Tet3-Mediated Hydroxymethylation of Epigenetically Silenced Genes Contributes to Bone Morphogenic Protein 7-Induced Reversal of Kidney Fibrosis

2014 | journal article; research paper. A publication with affiliation to the University of Göttingen.

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​Tet3-Mediated Hydroxymethylation of Epigenetically Silenced Genes Contributes to Bone Morphogenic Protein 7-Induced Reversal of Kidney Fibrosis​
Tampe, B. ; Tampe, D. ; Müller, C. A.; Sugimoto, H.; LeBleu, V. S.; Xu, X. & Müller, G. A. et al.​ (2014) 
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology25(5) pp. 905​-912​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1681/ASN.2013070723 

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Tampe, Björn ; Tampe, Desiree ; Müller, Claudia A.; Sugimoto, Hikaru; LeBleu, Valerie S.; Xu, X.; Müller, Georg Anton; Zeisberg, Elisabeth M. ; Kalluri, Raghu; Zeisberg, Michael 
Research funding from public and private sources has reached an all-time low. Economic conditions, sequestration, and a trend of low award success rates have created an imbalance between the supply of highly qualified research investigators and the availability of critically necessary research dollars. This grim environment continues to hinder the success of established investigators and deter potential investigators from joining the research workforce. Without action and support of innovative science, the future of the US health care system is in jeopardy, and its leadership role in medical research will decrease. This work discusses the effects of the decline in research funding, the plight of kidney research, and the impact of the American Society of Nephrology Grants Program on scientists. The ASN also calls on the entire nephrology community to rejuvenate the research environment, improve the lives of millions of people with kidney disease, and ultimately, find a cure.
Issue Date
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 
SFB 1002: Modulatorische Einheiten bei Herzinsuffizienz 
SFB 1002 | C01: Epigenetische Kontrolle der Herzfibrose 
Working Group
RG E. Zeisberg (Kardiales Stroma) 
RG M. Zeisberg (Renale Fibrogenese) 
External URL
1533-3450; 1046-6673



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