About Us

GRO.publications is a modern publication data management system and aims to bundle and increase the visibility of research output and publications produced at the University of Göttingen. It offers researchers an optimal infrastructure and platform for the presentation of their scientific publications.

Publication data are compiled and recorded again and again in different systems and for different purposes. They can be found in FACTScience, on university websites, in individual lists, on ORCID or Research Gate. GRO.publications enables researchers at the University of Göttingen to bring their data together in one place. They can export tailor-made publication lists and embed their publications with up-to-date data into other websites via a link. Ideally, the publication data will also contain links so that researchers can access the full text.

GRO.publications is a component of Göttingen Research Online (GRO). Under this name, various services are set up and operated to support Göttingen researchers. The individual services are coordinated by the eResearch Alliance (eRA). Responsible for the operation of GRO.publications is the Göttingen State and University Library. The Göttingen State and University Library has many years of experience in handling publication data and running various services, so GRO.publications is a suitable addition to the portfolio.

Target Group(s) of GRO.publications

Members of the university:

Members of the university, who are scientifically active, need publication lists in many situations. The maintenance and compilation of these data is a task that often requires a lot of time and resources. GRO.publications offers the possibility to collect this information in one system and output it in various forms. The creation of individual publication lists in different citation styles is possible as well as the integration of the collected data on private or institutional websites. Non-scientific university members are relieved by GRO.publications and receive for their part an information system that provides information about the activities of their scientists.

University and university administration:

GRO.publications supports the Göttingen University with university internal analyses for strategic management and the fulfilment of administrative reporting obligations. The created database enables evaluations that were previously not possible or only possible with considerable effort. GRO.publications gives the Göttingen State and University Library the opportunity to provide references to Göttingen publications and to link them to other library services. Furthermore, the database can be used for bibliometric analyses.

Contents of GRO.publications

The aim is to record the publications that have been produced during the employment of a person at the Göttingen University as completely as possible. In addition, it is also possible to record publications that were published before the person was employed in Göttingen. Publication data of former members of the Göttingen University remain in the university bibliography. Because GRO.publications focuses on Göttingen publications, only publication data with Göttingen affiliation are imported during automated data imports. Data from other university systems (e. g. FACTScience) are - if possible and reasonable - imported and reused by GRO.publications. In addition, data from non-university databases will be imported and enriched if necessary. The export of publication data to other systems is also possible.

Strategic Context

GRO.publications benefits from the influence and support of various cooperations and memberships:

Technical Background

GRO.publications is based on the repository software DSpace-CRIS, which is an extended module of DSpace. DSpace is an open source project and is supported by the organization Lyrasis. The module is a research information system, which is expandable and supports the CERIF model (Common European Research Information Format). The technical release took place in August 2019.


GRO.publications will be established as a publication data management system at the University of Göttingen and continuously developed and expanded. Some of the further developments planned for the future include the following