Scientific Reports


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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Interactions between the fovea and the periphery shape misbinding of visual features in a continuous report paradigm​
    Crayen, M. A.; Treue, S. & Esghaei, M.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1) art. 28381​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Additive effects of emotional expression and stimulus size on the perception of genuine and artificial facial expressions: An ERP study​
    Ziereis, A. C. & Schacht, A.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14 art. 5574​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Label-free quantification of imaging features in the extracellular matrix of left and right-sided colon cancer tissues​
    Arora, B.; Kulkarni, A.; Markus, M. A.; Ströbel, P.; Bohnenberger, H.; Alves, F. & Ramos-Gomes, F.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Neurodevelopmental delay in children exposed to maternal SARS-CoV-2 in-utero​
    Fajardo-Martinez, V.; Ferreira, F.; Fuller, T.; Cambou, M. C.; Kerin, T.; Paiola, S. & Mok, T. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Saturated fatty acids inhibit unsaturated fatty acid induced glucose uptake involving GLUT10 and aerobic glycolysis in bovine granulosa cells​
    Tao, X.; Rahimi, M.; Michaelis, M.; Görs, S.; Brenmoehl, J.; Vanselow, J. & Baddela, V. S.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Research collaboration data platform ensuring general data protection​
    Toma, M.; Bönisch, C.; Löhnhardt, B.; Kelm, M.; Bohnenberger, H.; Winkelmann, S. & Ströbel, P.  et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​LRBA, a BEACH protein mutated in human immune deficiency, is widely expressed in epithelia, exocrine and endocrine glands, and neurons​
    Roussa, E.; Juda, P.; Laue, M.; Mai-Kolerus, O.; Meyerhof, W.; Sjöblom, M. & Nikolovska, K. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Multiscale and multimodal imaging for three-dimensional vascular and histomorphological organ structure analysis of the pancreas​
    Salg, G. A.; Steinle, V.; Labode, J.; Wagner, W.; Studier-Fischer, A.; Reiser, J. & Farjallah, E. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Assessing biologic/toxicologic effects of extractables from plastic contact materials for advanced therapy manufacturing using cell painting assay and cytotoxicity screening​
    Pahl, I.; Pahl, A.; Hauk, A.; Budde, D.; Sievers, S.; Fruth, L. & Menzel, R.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Author Correction: Epidemiology, treatment and outcomes of primary renal sarcomas in adult patients​
    Uhlig, J.; Uhlig, A.; Deshpande, H.; Ströbel, P.; Trojan, L.; Lotz, J. & Hurwitz, M. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Deep-learning model for evaluating histopathology of acute renal tubular injury​
    Nguyen, T. T. U.; Nguyen, A.-T.; Kim, H.; Jung, Y. J.; Park, W.; Kim, K. M. & Park, I. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Impaired recognition of interactive intentions in adults with autism spectrum disorder not attributable to differences in visual attention or coordination via eye contact and joint attention​
    Jording, M.; Hartz, A.; Vogel, D. H. V.; Schulte-Rüther, M. & Vogeley, K.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | Erratum
    ​ ​Author Correction: Prefrontal theta—gamma transcranial alternating current stimulation improves non-declarative visuomotor learning in older adults​
    Diedrich, L.; Kolhoff, H. I.; Chakalov, I.; Vékony, T.; Németh, D. & Antal, A.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Comprehensive characterization of cardiac contraction for improved post-infarction risk assessment​
    Corral Acero, J.; Lamata, P.; Eitel, I.; Zacur, E.; Evertz, R.; Lange, T. & Backhaus, S. J. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​A novel imaging marker of cortical “cellularity” in multiple sclerosis patients​
    Barakovic, M.; Weigel, M.; Cagol, A.; Schaedelin, S.; Galbusera, R.; Lu, P.-J. & Chen, X. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Socio-economic pandemic modelling: case of Spain​
    Snellman, J. E.; Barreiro, N. L.; Barrio, R. A.; Ventura, C. I.; Govezensky, T.; Kaski, K. K. & Korpi-Lagg, M. J.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Optimized network based natural language processing approach to reveal disease comorbidities in COVID-19​
    Duman, E. T.; Tuna, G.; Ak, E.; Avsar, G. & Pir, P.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Numerical investigation of heat and mass transfer in three-dimensional MHD nanoliquid flow with inclined magnetization​
    Galal, A. M.; Alharbi, F. M.; Arshad, M.; Alam, M. M.; Abdeljawad, T. & Al-Mdallal, Q. M.​ (2024) 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​SPIRAL MRI for in vivo lithium-7 imaging: a feasibility study in mice after oral lithium treatment​
    Memhave, T. R.; Moussavi, A. & Boretius, S.​ (2024) 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Hematologic parameters in female alpacas during age progression: a retrospective study​
    Wagener, M. G.; Kornblum, M.; Kiene, F.; Ganter, M. & Teichmann, U.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​A precise performance-based reimbursement model for the multi-centre NAPKON cohorts – development and evaluation​
    Appel, K. S.; Lee, C. H.; Nunes de Miranda, S. M.; Maier, D.; Reese, J.-P.; Anton, G. & Bahmer, T. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​KPC-luciferase-expressing cells elicit an anti-tumor immune response in a mouse model of pancreatic cancer​
    Ferrari, D. P.; Ramos-Gomes, F.; Alves, F. & Markus, M. A.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Increased biofilm formation in dual-strain compared to single-strain communities of Cutibacterium acnes​
    Bjerg, C. S. B.; Poehlein, A.; Bömeke, M.; Himmelbach, A.; Schramm, A. & Brüggemann, H.​ (2024) 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Increase in forest structural complexity along a precipitation gradient is mediated by partial harvests in temperate Patagonian forests​
    Soto, D. P.; Seidel, D.; Hernández-Moreno, Á.; Puettmann, K. J. & Donoso, P. J.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Chemical and palaeoentomological evidence of a relationship between early Eocene Belgian and Oise (France) ambers​
    Seyfullah, L. J.; Szwedo, J.; Schmidt, A. R. & Prestianni, C.​ (2024) 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Decision-making processes in perceptual learning depend on effectors​
    Ivanov, V.; Manenti, G. L.; Plewe, S. S.; Kagan, I. & Schwiedrzik, C. M. ​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Glypican-4 serum levels are associated with cognitive dysfunction and vascular risk factors in Parkinson’s disease​
    Tatenhorst, L.; Maass, F.; Paul, H.; Dambeck, V.; Bähr, M.; Dono, R. & Lingor, P. ​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Inter-study reproducibility of cardiovascular magnetic resonance-derived hemodynamic force assessments​
    Lange, T.; Backhaus, S. J.; Schulz, A.; Evertz, R.; Schneider, P.; Kowallick, J. T. & Hasenfuß, G. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Multi-site benchmark classification of major depressive disorder using machine learning on cortical and subcortical measures​
    Belov, V.; Erwin-Grabner, T.; Aghajani, M.; Aleman, A.; Amod, A. R.; Basgoze, Z. & Benedetti, F. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Dorsal pulvinar inactivation leads to spatial selection bias without perceptual deficit​
    Kaduk, K.; Wilke, M. & Kagan, I.​ (2024) 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Serum cytokine dysregulation signatures associated with COVID-19 outcomes in high mortality intensive care unit cohorts across pandemic waves and variants​
    Maaß, H.; Ynga-Durand, M.; Milošević, M.; Krstanović, F.; Matešić, M. P.; Žuža, I. & Jonjić, S. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Reduced dynamic changes in pulmonary artery compliance during isometric handgrip exercise in patients with heart failure​
    Hashemi, D.; Hou, X.; Doeblin, P.; Weiß, J.; Beyer, R.; Neye, M. & Erley, J. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Early mutational signatures and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 Gamma and Lambda variants in Chile​
    Oróstica, K. Y.; Mohr, S. B.; Dehning, J.; Bauer, S.; Medina-Ortiz, D.; Iftekhar, E. N. & Mujica, K. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Relevance of instrumented gait analysis in the prediction of the rebound phenomenon after guided growth intervention​
    Stief, F.; Holder, J.; Braun, S.; Brenneis, M.; van Drongelen, S.; Byrnes, S. K. & Layher, F. et al.​ (2024) 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Two-screw osteosynthesis is biomechanically superior to single-screw osteosynthesis for type II odontoid fractures​
    Roch, P. J.; Salge, E.; Cabrera, M. A. B.; Klockner, F. S.; Meier, M.-P.; Jäckle, K. & Lehmann, W. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Design of stochastic computational Levenberg Marquardt backpropagation-based technique to investigate temperature distribution of longitudinal moving porous fin​
    Ahmad, I.; Raja, M. A. Z.; Hussain, S. I.; Ilyas, H. & Mohayyuddin, Z.​ (2024) 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Bonding performance and surface characterization of cold-bonded acetylated beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber​
    Slabohm, M. & Militz, H.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Nicotine-related interpretation biases in cigarette smoking individuals​
    Machulska, A.; Woud, M. L.; Brailovskaia, J.; Margraf, J. & Klucken, T.​ (2024) 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Tailoring of magnetism & electron transport of manganate thin films by controlling the Mn–O–Mn bond angles via strain engineering​
    Henning, P.; Gruhl, R.; Ross, U.; Roddatis, V.; Bruchmann-Bamberg, V.; Stroh, K. P. & Seibt, M. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Circulating miR-let7a levels predict future diagnosis of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension​
    Kenneweg, F.; Hobohm, L.; Bang, C.; Gupta, S. K.; Xiao, K.; Thum, S. & Ten Cate, V. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Intersectional strategy to study cortical inhibitory parvalbumin-expressing interneurons​
    Palicz, R.; Pater, B.; Truschow, P.; Witte, M. & Staiger, J. F.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Prefrontal theta—gamma transcranial alternating current stimulation improves non-declarative visuomotor learning in older adults​
    Diedrich, L.; Kolhoff, H. I.; Chakalov, I.; Vékony, T.; Németh, D. & Antal, A.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Detecting tail biters by monitoring pig screams in weaning pigs​
    Heseker, P.; Bergmann, T.; Scheumann, M.; Traulsen, I.; Kemper, N. & Probst, J.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | Erratum
    ​ ​Author Correction: First direct evidence of lion hunting and the early use of a lion pelt by Neanderthals​
    Russo, G.; Milks, A.; Leder, D.; Koddenberg, T.; Starkovich, B. M.; Duval, M. & Zhao, J. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Accuracy of a zero-heat-flux thermometer in cardiac surgery, a prospective, multicentre, method comparison study​
    Pedersen, C.; Munch, P.; Kjaergaard, J.; Grønlykke, L. & Bräuer, A.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Assessment of deep learning segmentation for real-time free-breathing cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at rest and under exercise stress​
    Schilling, M.; Unterberg-Buchwald, C.; Lotz, J. & Uecker, M.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Kinship practices at the early bronze age site of Leubingen in Central Germany​
    Penske, S.; Küßner, M.; Rohrlach, A. B.; Knipper, C.; Nováček, J.; Childebayeva, A. & Krause, J. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Transcriptomic changes in barley leaves induced by alcohol ethoxylates indicate potential pathways of surfactant detoxification​
    Baales, J.; Zeisler-Diehl, V. V.; Kreszies, T.; Klaus, A.; Hochholdinger, F. & Schreiber, L.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Factors shaping home ranges of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Western Carpathians​
    Jakub, K.; Johannes, S.; Slavomír, F.; Martin, D.; Jarmila, K.-P.; Mysłajek, R. W. & Sabina, N. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Cooperation and social organization depend on weighing private and public reputations​
    Cavaliere, M.; Yang, G.; De Dreu, C. K. W. & Gross, J.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Domain-specific inferences about conspecifics’ skills by chimpanzees​
    Keupp, S. & Herrmann, E.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Differential effects of alendronate on chondrocytes, cartilage matrix and subchondral bone structure in surgically induced osteoarthritis in mice​
    Ehrnsperger, M.; Taheri, S.; Pann, P.; Schilling, A. F. & Grässel, S.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Unveiling the Immunomodulatory and regenerative potential of iPSC-derived mesenchymal stromal cells and their extracellular vesicles​
    Buitrago, J. C.; Morris, S. L.; Backhaus, A.; Kaltenecker, G.; Kaipa, J. M.; Girard, C. & Schneider, S. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​SMARTINI3 parametrization of multi-scale membrane models via unsupervised learning methods​
    Soleimani, A. & Risselada, H. J.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​An automatic tracking method to measure the mandibula movement during real time MRI​
    Mouchoux, J.; Sojka, F.; Kauffmann, P.; Dechent, P.; Meyer-Marcotty, P. & Quast, A.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​3D imaging of SARS-CoV-2 infected hamster lungs by X-ray phase contrast tomography enables drug testing​
    Reichmann, J. ; Sarrazin, C.; Schmale, S.; Blaurock, C.; Balkema-Buschmann, A.; Schmitzer, B. & Salditt, T. ​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Epidemiology, treatment and outcomes of primary renal sarcomas in adult patients​
    Uhlig, J.; Uhlig, A.; Deshpande, H.; Ströbel, P.; Trojan, L.; Lotz, J. & Hurwitz, M. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Nitrogen and potassium limit fine root growth in a humid Afrotropical forest​
    Manu, R.; Veldkamp, E. ; Eryenyu, D.; Corre, M. D. & van Straaten, O.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Strengthening oil palm smallholder farmers’ resilience to future industrial challenges​
    Hendrawan, D.; Chrisendo, D. & Musshoff, O.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | Erratum
    ​ ​Publisher Correction: Orchestration of saccadic eye-movements by brain rhythms in macaque Frontal Eye Field​
    Shaverdi, Y.; Setarehdan, S. K.; Treue, S. & Esghaei, M.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Logistic organ dysfunction system as an early risk stratification tool after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage​
    Tuzi, S.; Kranawetter, B.; Moerer, O.; Rohde, V.; Mielke, D. & Malinova, V.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Extracellular glutamate is not modulated by cannabinoid receptor activity​
    Chiu, D. N. & Carter, B. C.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Dynamic maternal synthesis and segregation of the germ plasm organizer, Bucky ball, in chicken oocytes and follicles​
    Klein, S.; Dosch, R.; Reiche, S. & Kues, W. A.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Photoregulatory functions drive variation in eye coloration across macaque species​
    Perea-García, J. O.; Massen, J. J. M.; Ostner, J.; Schülke, O.; Castellano-Navarro, A.; Gazagne, E. & José-Domínguez, J. M. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Collagen crosslinking-induced corneal morphological changes: a three-dimensional light sheet Microscopy-based evaluation​
    Stoecker, A.; Pinkert-Leetsch, D.; Koch, T.; Ackermann, R.; Nolte, S.; van Oterendorp, C. & Russmann, C. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Stakeholder perspectives on non-invasive brain stimulation​
    Maier, M. J.; Ramasawmy, P.; Breuer, J.; Bansen, A.; Oliviero, A.; Northoff, G. & Antal, A.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​A brain machine interface framework for exploring proactive control of smart environments​
    Braun, J.-M.; Fauth, M.; Berger, M.; Huang, N.-S.; Simeoni, E.; Gaeta, E. & Rodrigues do Carmo, R. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Whole-body metabolic modelling reveals microbiome and genomic interactions on reduced urine formate levels in Alzheimer’s disease​
    Martinelli, F.; Heinken, A.; Henning, A.-K.; Ulmer, M. A.; Hensen, T.; González, A. & Arnold, M. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | Erratum
    ​ ​Author Correction: Whole-body metabolic modelling reveals microbiome and genomic interactions on reduced urine formate levels in Alzheimer’s disease​
    Martinelli, F.; Heinken, A.; Henning, A.-K.; Ulmer, M. A.; Hensen, T.; González, A. & Arnold, M. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | Data Paper | 
    ​ ​The genome of the simultaneously hermaphroditic snail Lymnaea stagnalis reveals an evolutionary expansion of FMRFamide-like receptors​
    Koene, J. M.; Jackson, D. J. ; Nakadera, Y.; Cerveau, N.; Madoui, M. -A.; Noel, B. & Jamilloux, V. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1) art. 29213​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Severe and frequent extreme weather events undermine economic adaptation gains of tree-species diversification​
    Fuchs, J. M. ; Husmann, K. ; Schick, J.; Albert, M. ; Lintunen, J. & Paul, C. ​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1) art. 2140​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Migration routes and adult survival of the critically endangered yellow-breasted bunting Emberiza aureola​
    Heim, W.; Anisimov, Y.; Bastardot, M.; Davaasuren, B.; Nakul, G.; Anisimova, V. & Batbayar, N. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Detection and phylogenetic analysis of blood-associated pathogens from spleen samples of wild raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Germany​
    Unterköfler, M. S.; Schwingshandl, A.; Eigner, B.; Pikalo, J.; Harl, J.; Spergser, J. & Steinbach, P. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Epidemiology, treatment and outcomes of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms​
    Uhlig, J.; Nie, J.; Gibson, J.; Cecchini, M.; Stein, S.; Lacy, J. & Kunz, P. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Optimal cerebral perfusion pressure during induced hypertension and its impact on delayed cerebral infarction and functional outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage​
    Kranawetter, B.; Tuzi, S.; Moerer, O.; Mielke, D.; Rohde, V. & Malinova, V.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​GPT-4 shows potential for identifying social anxiety from clinical interview data​
    Ohse, J.; Hadžić, B.; Mohammed, P.; Peperkorn, N.; Fox, J.; Krutzki, J. & Lyko, A. et al.​ (2024) 
    Scientific Reports14(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Associations between fecal glucocorticoid levels and social bonds vary with relatedness in juvenile rhesus macaques​
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    ​ ​Interrupted time series study found mixed effects of the impact of the Bavarian smoke-free legislation on pregnancy outcomes​
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    ​ ​Publisher Correction: Sex and grooming as exchange commodities in female bonobos’ daily biological market​
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    ​ ​The biochemical subtype is a predictor for cognitive function in glutaric aciduria type 1: a national prospective follow-up study​
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    Bdeir, N.; Arora, P.; Gärtner, S.; Pöhlmann, S. & Winkler, M.​ (2021) 
    Scientific Reports11(1) art. 20477​.​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Author Correction: Frequency-dependent drug screening using optogenetic stimulation of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes​
    Lapp, H.; Brügmann, T. ; Malan, D.; Friedrichs, S.; Kilgus, C.; Heidsieck, A. & Sasse, P.​ (2021) 
    Scientific Reports11(1) art. 1643​.​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Author Correction: Incidence of notified Lyme borreliosis in Germany, 2013–2017​
    Enkelmann, J.; Böhmer, M.; Fingerle, V.; Siffczyk, C.; Werber, D.; Littmann, M. & Merbecks, S.-S. et al.​ (2021) 
    Scientific Reports11(1) art. 13347​.​ DOI: 
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    Poland, E.; Bhonsle, A.; Steinmann, I. & Wilke, M.​ (2021) 
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  • 2020 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
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    Scientific Reports10(1) art. 12832​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports10(1) pp. 1154​.​ DOI: 
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    Gemma, R.; Baben, M. to; Pundt, A. ; Kapaklis, V. & Hjörvarsson, B.​ (2020) 
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  • 2020 Journal Article | Erratum
    ​ ​Author Correction: Small Neotropical primates promote the natural regeneration of anthropogenically disturbed areas​
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  • 2020 Journal Article | Erratum
    ​ ​Publisher Correction: Analysis of Copy-Number Variations and Feline Mammary Carcinoma Survival​
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  • 2020 Journal Article | Erratum
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  • 2020 Journal Article
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  • 2020 Journal Article | Erratum
    ​ ​Author Correction: Root growth in light of changing magnesium distribution and transport between source and sink tissues in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)​
    Koch, M.; Winkelmann, M. K.; Hasler, M.; Pawelzik, E. & Naumann, M.​ (2020) 
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  • 2020 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
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    ​ ​Distribution and curing reactions of melamine formaldehyde resin in cells of impregnation-modified wood​
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    Scientific Reports10(1) art. 13558​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2020 Journal Article | Erratum | 
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    Mentel, M.; Ionescu, A. E.; Puscalau-Girtu, I.; Helm, M. S.; Badea, R. A.; Rizzoli, S. O.   & Szedlacsek, S. E.​ (2020) 
    Scientific Reports10(1) art. 8638​.​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Weak rTMS-induced electric fields produce neural entrainment in humans​
    Zmeykina, E.; Mittner, M.; Paulus, W.   & Turi, Z. ​ (2020) 
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    ​ ​Synergy effect of peroxidase enzymes and Fenton reactions greatly increase the anaerobic oxidation of soil organic matter​
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  • 2020 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Analysis of Copy-Number Variations and Feline Mammary Carcinoma Survival​
    Granados-Soler, J. L.; Bornemann-Kolatzki, K.; Beck, J.; Brenig, B. ; Schütz, E. ; Betz, D. & Junginger, J. et al.​ (2020) 
    Scientific Reports10(1).​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​TraPS-VarI: Identifying genetic variants altering phosphotyrosine based signalling motifs​
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  • 2020 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Root growth in light of changing magnesium distribution and transport between source and sink tissues in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)​
    Koch, M.; Winkelmann, M. K.; Hasler, M.; Pawelzik, E.   & Naumann, M.​ (2020) 
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    ​ ​Author Correction: Thalamus exhibits less sensory variability quenching than cortex​
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    ​ ​Intensified ambulatory cardiology care: effects on mortality and hospitalisation—a comparative observational study​
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    ​ ​Sustained spatial attention accounts for the direction bias of human microsaccades​
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  • 2020 Journal Article | 
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    ​ ​Comparative analyses and structural insights of new class glutathione transferases in Cryptosporidium species​
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  • 2020 Journal Article | 
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    Allers, K.; Stahl-Hennig, C.; Fiedler, T.; Wibberg, D.; Hofmann, J.; Kunkel, D. & Moos, V. et al.​ (2020) 
    Scientific Reports10(1).​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Impact of porcine cytomegalovirus on long-term orthotopic cardiac xenotransplant survival​
    Denner, J.; Längin, M.; Reichart, B.; Krüger, L.; Fiebig, U.; Mokelke, M. & Radan, J. et al.​ (2020) 
    Scientific Reports10(1).​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Aging in the USA: similarities and disparities across time and space​
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    Dolotovskaya, S.; Roos, C. & Heymann, E. W.​ (2020) 
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    ​ ​The WD40-protein CFAP52/WDR16 is a centrosome/basal body protein and localizes to the manchette and the flagellum in male germ cells​
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    Scientific Reports10(1).​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Variation and conservation implications of the effectiveness of anti-bear interventions​
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    ​ ​An allosteric interaction controls the activation mechanism of SHP2 tyrosine phosphatase​
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    ​ ​Shared functional connectivity between the dorso-medial and dorso-ventral streams in macaques​
    Greulich, R. S.; Adam, R.; Everling, S. & Scherberger, H. ​ (2020) 
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    ​ ​The Fuchs corneal dystrophy-associated CTG repeat expansion in the TCF4 gene affects transcription from its alternative promoters​
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    Reinders, J.; Altenbuchinger, M. ; Limm, K.; Schwarzfischer, P.; Scheidt, T.; Strasser, L. & Richter, J. et al.​ (2020) 
    Scientific Reports10(1) pp. 7876​.​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Chromosome-scale genome assembly for the duckweed Spirodela intermedia, integrating cytogenetic maps, PacBio and Oxford Nanopore libraries​
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    Scientific Reports10(1) pp. 19230​.​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Glucose counteracts wood-dependent induction of lignocellulolytic enzyme secretion in monokaryon and dikaryon submerged cultures of the white-rot basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus​
    Alfaro, M.; Majcherczyk, A. ; Kües, U. ; Ramírez, L. & Pisabarro, A. G.​ (2020) 
    Scientific Reports10(1).​ DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68969-1 
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    ​ ​Gene presence-absence variation associates with quantitative Verticillium longisporum disease resistance in Brassica napus​
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    Scientific Reports10(1) art. 4131​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports10(1) art. 10953​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports10(1) pp. 686​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports10(1) pp. 13254​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2020 Journal Article
    ​ ​Recent land use and management changes decouple the adaptation of livestock diversity to the environment​
    Velado-Alonso, E. ; Morales-Castilla, I. & Gómez-Sal, A.​ (2020) 
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    Scientific Reports9(1) pp. 14053​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1) art. 6945​.​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Integrated analysis of relapsed B-cell precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia identifies subtype-specific cytokine and metabolic signatures​
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2019 Journal Article | Erratum
    ​ ​Author Correction: A Peptoid Delivers CoQ-derivative to Plant Mitochondria via Endocytosis​
    Asfaw, K. G.; Liu, Q.; Maisch, J.; Münch, S. W.; Wehl, I.; Bräse, S. & Bogeski, I. et al.​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Li, A.; Chapuy, B. ; Varelas, X.; Sebastiani, P. & Monti, S.​ (2019) 
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    von der Lühe, B. ; Mayes, R. W.; Thiel, V. ; Dawson, L. A.; Graw, M.; Rowland, S. J. & Fiedler, S.​ (2019) 
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    ​ ​Morphological stasis in the first myxomycete from the Mesozoic, and the likely role of cryptobiosis​
    Rikkinen, J.; Grimaldi, D. A. & Schmidt, A. R. ​ (2019) 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Lapinskas, T.; Hireche-Chikaoui, H.; Zieschang, V.; Erley, J.; Stehning, C.; Gebker, R. & Giusca, S. et al.​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Pacilè, S.; Dullin, C. ; Baran, P.; Tonutti, M.; Perske, C. ; Fischer, U. & Albers, J. et al.​ (2019) 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Agić, H.; Högström, A. E. S.; Moczydłowska, M.; Jensen, S.; Palacios, T.; Meinhold, G.   & Ebbestad, J. O. R. et al.​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​TIP60/KAT5 is required for neuronal viability in hippocampal CA1​
    Urban, I.; Kerimoglu, C. ; Sakib, M. S.; Wang, H.; Benito, E. ; Thaller, C. & Zhou, X.  et al.​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Chuma, I. S.; Roos, C. ; Atickem, A.; Bohm, T.; Anthony Collins, D.; Grillová, L. & Hallmaier-Wacker, L. K. et al.​ (2019) 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Falker-Gieske, C.; Knorr, C.   & Tetens, J. ​ (2019) 
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    Sirmpilatze, N. ; Baudewig, J.   & Boretius, S. ​ (2019) 
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    ​ ​Lactation and menstruation shift the vaginal microbiota in captive rhesus monkeys to be more similar to the male urethral microbiota​
    Hallmaier-Wacker, L. K.; Lüert, S.; Roos, C.   & Knauf, S. ​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Nitrogen fertilization modifies organic transformations and coatings on soil biogeochemical interfaces through microbial polysaccharides synthesis​
    Huang, X.; Guggenberger, G.; Kuzyakov, Y. ; Shibistova, O.; Ge, T.; Li, Y. & Liu, B. et al.​ (2019) 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Pavo, N.; Arfsten, H.; Cho, A.; Goliasch, G.; Bartko, P. E.; Wurm, R. & Freitag, C. et al.​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Mussil, B.; Suspène, R.; Caval, V.; Durandy, A.; Wain-Hobson, S. & Vartanian, J.-P.​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Tanacli, R.; Hashemi, D.; Lapinskas, T.; Edelmann, F.; Gebker, R.; Pedrizzetti, G. & Schuster, A. et al.​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1) art. 16478​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1) art. 12107​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1) pp. 4327​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Coffey, M. J.; Nielsen, S.; Wemheuer, B. ; Kaakoush, N. O.; Garg, M.; Needham, B. & Pickford, R. et al.​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1) art. 18593​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Lutze, G.; Haarmann, A.; Demanou Toukam, J. A; Buttler, K.; Wilting, J. & Becker, J.​ (2019) 
    Scientific Reports9(1) art. 4739​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1) art. 7597​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1).​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1) art. 18451​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1) art. 3034​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports9(1) art. 639​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2018 Journal Article | 
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    Keasar, C.; McGuffin, L. J.; Wallner, B.; Chopra, G.; Adhikari, B.; Bhattacharya, D. & Blake, L. et al.​ (2018) 
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    Gregor, C. ; Sidenstein, S. C. ; Andresen, M. ; Sahl, S. J. ; Danzl, J. G.   & Hell, S. W. ​ (2018) 
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    ​ ​Short-term radiofrequency exposure from new generation mobile phones reduces EEG alpha power with no effects on cognitive performance​
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    ​ ​In vivo STED microscopy visualizes PSD95 sub-structures and morphological changes over several hours in the mouse visual cortex.​
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    Scientific Reports8(1) art. 219​.​ DOI: 
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    Gutleb, D. R. ; Ostner, J. ; Schülke, O. ; Wajjwalku, W.; Sukmak, M.; Roos, C.   & Noll, A. ​ (2018) 
    Scientific Reports8(1) art. 15944​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports8(1) art. 17711​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports8(1) art. 16597​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports8(1) pp. 7259​.​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Single- and two-photon imaging of human micrometastases and disseminated tumour cells with conjugates of nanobodies and quantum dots.​
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    Caldararu, O.; Feldt, M.; Cioloboc, D.; van Severen, M.-C.; Starke, K.; Mata, R. A.   & Nordlander, E. et al.​ (2018) 
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  • 2018 Journal Article | 
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    ​ ​3D virtual histology of murine kidneys -high resolution visualization of pathological alterations by micro computed tomography.​
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  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​A neuronal role of the Alanine-Serine-Cysteine-1 transporter (SLC7A10, Asc-1) for glycine inhibitory transmission and respiratory pattern.​
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  • 2018 Journal Article | 
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    ​ ​X-ray based virtual histology allows guided sectioning of heavy ion stained murine lungs for histological analysis.​
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    ​ ​Investigation of the phosphorylation of Bacillus subtilis LTA synthases by the serine/threonine kinase PrkC​
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  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Publisher Correction: Four dimensional material movies: High speed phase-contrast tomography by backprojection along dynamically curved paths​
    Ruhlandt, A. ; Töpperwien, M. ; Krenkel, M.; Mokso, R. & Salditt, T. ​ (2018) 
    Scientific Reports8(1) art. 5245​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2018 Journal Article | 
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    Scientific Reports8(1) art. 16708​.​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Differential regulation of synaptic AP-2/clathrin vesicle uncoating in synaptic plasticity.​
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    ​ ​Valid gene expression normalization by RT-qPCR in studies on hPDL fibroblasts with focus on orthodontic tooth movement and periodontitis.​
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    ​ ​A fossil species of the enigmatic early polypod fern genus Cystodium (Cystodiaceae) in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar.​
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    ​ ​Evidence for Human Streptococcus pneumoniae in wild and captive chimpanzees: A potential threat to wild populations.​
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    ​ ​A combination of NMDA and AMPA receptor antagonists retards granule cell dispersion and epileptogenesis in a model of acquired epilepsy.​
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    Kliesch, T.-T. ; Dietz, J.; Turco, L.; Halder, P.; Polo, E.; Tarantola, M.   & Jahn, R.  et al.​ (2017) 
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    ​ ​Energetics and mechanism of anion permeation across formate-nitrite transporters.​
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    ​ ​In vivo mouse and live cell STED microscopy of neuronal actin plasticity using far-red emitting fluorescent proteins.​
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    Scientific reports7(1) art. 11781​.​ DOI: 
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    Oracz, J.; Westphal, V. ; Radzewicz, C.; Sahl, S. J.   & Hell, S. W. ​ (2017) 
    Scientific Reports7 art. 11354​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2017 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Effect of Fusidic Acid on the Kinetics of Molecular Motions During EF-G-Induced Translocation on the Ribosome​
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    ​ ​The FER rs4957796 TT genotype is associated with unfavorable 90-day survival in Caucasian patients with severe ARDS due to pneumonia.​
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    Scientific reports7(1) art. 9887​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2017 Journal Article | 
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    ​ ​Radiological imaging characteristics of intramammary hematological malignancies: results from a german multicenter study.​
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  • 2017 Journal Article | 
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    Swierzy, I. J.; Händel, U.; Kaever, A.; Jarek, M.; Scharfe, M.; Schlüter, D. & Lüder, C. G. K.​ (2017) 
    Scientific reports7(1) art. 7229​.​ DOI: 
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    Scientific Reports7(1) art. 6487​.​ DOI: 
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    ​ ​Small RNA mediated repression of subtilisin production in Bacillus licheniformis.​
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    Schuldt, A. ; Bruelheide, H.; Buscot, F.; Assmann, T.; Erfmeier, A.; Klein, A.-M. & Ma, K. et al.​ (2017) 
    Scientific Reports7(1) pp. 4222​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2017 Journal Article | 
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    Burk, K. ; Fischer, A. ; Murdoch, J. D ; Koenig, M. ; Bharat, V. ; Markworth, R. & Burkhardt, S.  et al.​ (2017) 
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    Scientific Reports7 art. 46492​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2017 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
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    Töpperwien, M. ; Krenkel, M.; Vincenz, D.; Stöber, F.; Oelschlegel, A. M.; Goldschmidt, J. & Salditt, T. ​ (2017) 
    Scientific Reports7 art. 42847​.​ DOI: 
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    Lalithambika, S. S. N.; Atak, K.; Seidel, R.; Neubauer, A.; Brandenburg, T.; Xiao, J. & Winter, B. et al.​ (2017) 
    Scientific Reports7(1) pp. 40811​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2017 Journal Article | 
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    ​ ​Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals the roles of overlapping heat-/drought-responsive genes in poplars exposed to high temperature and drought​
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    ​ ​Cryptogamic stem covers may contribute to nitrous oxide consumption by mature beech trees​
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    ​ ​Age, but not anthelmintic treatment, is associated with urinary neopterin levels in semi-free ranging Barbary macaques​
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    ​ ​In Vivo Neuromechanics: Decoding Causal Motor Neuron Behavior with Resulting Musculoskeletal Function.​
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  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
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    Krenkel, M.; Markus, A. ; Bartels, M. ; Dullin, C. ; Alves, F.   & Salditt, T. ​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5 art. 09973​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | Erratum
    ​ ​Erratum: Moisture-responsive films of cellulose stearoyl esters showing reversible shape transitions​
    Zhang, K. ; Geissler, A.; Standhardt, M.; Mehlhase, S.; Gallei, M.; Chen, L. & Thiele, C. M.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Global patterns and drivers of phylogenetic structure in island floras​
    Weigelt, P. ; Kissling, W. D.; Kisel, Y.; Fritz, S. A.; Karger, D. N.; Kessler, M. & Lehtonen, S. et al.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5(1) art. 12213​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Ezrin is a Major Regulator of Membrane Tension in Epithelial Cells​
    Brueckner, B. R.; Pietuch, A.; Nehls, S.; Rother, J. & Janshoff, A. ​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5 art. 14700​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Detection and Differentiation of Threonine- and Tyrosine-Monophosphorylated Forms of ERK1/2 by Capillary Isoelectric Focusing-Immunoassay​
    Kraus, I. ; Besong Agbo, D.; Otto, M. ; Wiltfang, J.   & Klafki, H. ​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5(1) art. 12767​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article
    ​ ​Self-association of Trimethylguanosine Synthase Tgs1 is required for efficient snRNA/snoRNA trimethylation and pre-rRNA processing​
    Boon, K.-L.; Pearson, M. D. & Koš, M.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​The spinning apparatus of webspinners - functional-morphology, morphometrics and spinning behaviour​
    Buesse, S.; Hoernschemeyer, T.; Hohu, K.; McMillan, D. & Edgerly, J. S.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5 art. 9986​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Mice lacking the cerebral cortex develop normal song: Insights into the foundations of vocal learning​
    Hammerschmidt, K. ; Whelan, G.; Eichele, G.   & Fischer, J. ​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5(1) art. 8808​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Cortical actin networks induce spatio-temporal confinement of phospholipids in the plasma membrane - a minimally invasive investigation by STED-FCS​
    Andrade, D. M.; Clausen, M. P.; Keller, J. ; Mueller, V.; Wu, C.; Bear, J. E. & Hell, S.  et al.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5 art. 11454​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Stable Odor Recognition by a neuro-adaptive Electronic Nose​
    Martinelli, E.; Magna, G.; Polese, D.; Vergara, A.; Schild, D. & Di Natale, C.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5 art. 10960​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​The thorax morphology of Epiophlebia (Insecta: Odonata) nymphs - including remarks on ontogenesis and evolution​
    Buesse, S.; Helmker, B. & Hoernschemeyer, T.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5 art. 12835​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Vervets revisited: A quantitative analysis of alarm call structure and context specificity​
    Price, T. ; Wadewitz, P. ; Cheney, D. L.; Seyfarth, R. M.; Hammerschmidt, K.   & Fischer, J. ​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5(1) art. 13220​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
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    Mansur, A. ; Mulwande, E.; Steinau, M.; Bergmann, I. ; Popov, A.-F.; Ghadimi, M. B.   & Beißbarth, T.  et al.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5 art. 10539​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Habitat fragmentation is associated to gut microbiota diversity of an endangered primate: implications for conservation.​
    Barelli, C.; Albanese, D.; Donati, C.; Pindo, M.; Dallago, C.; Rovero, F. & Cavalieri, D. et al.​ (2015) 
    Scientific reports5 art. 14862​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Novel insights into the interplay between ventral neck muscles in individuals with whiplash-associated disorders​
    Peterson, G.; Nilsson, D.; Trygg, J.; Falla, D.; Dedering, A.; Wallman, T. & Peolsson, A.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5 art. 15289​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Structures of intermediates during RES complex assembly​
    Wysoczanski, P.; Becker, S. & Zweckstetter, M.​ (2015) 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Using Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging​
    Zhang, S.; Joseph, A. A.; Gross, L.; Ghadimi, M. B. ; Frahm, J.   & Beham, A. W. ​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5 art. 12112​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Diverse Roles of Axonemal Dyneins in Drosophila Auditory Neuron Function and Mechanical Amplification in Hearing​
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    Scientific Reports5 art. 17085​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Involvement of PrP(C) in kainate-induced excitotoxicity in several mouse strains.​
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    Scientific reports5 art. 11971​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Moisture-responsive films of cellulose stearoyl esters showing reversible shape transitions​
    Zhang, K. ; Geissler, A.; Standhardt, M.; Mehlhase, S.; Gallei, M.; Chen, L. & Thiele, C. M.​ (2015) 
    Scientific Reports5(1) art. 11011​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Coherent ultrafast spin-dynamics probed in three dimensional topological insulators​
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    Scientific Reports5 art. 15304​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​A scenario for magnonic spin-wave traps​
    Busse, F.; Mansurova, M.; Lenk, B.; von der Ehe, M. & Muenzenberg, M. G.​ (2015) 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Alzheimer therapy with an antibody against N-terminal Abeta 4-X and pyroglutamate Abeta 3-X​
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
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    Scientific Reports5 art. 13951​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
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    Schwenen, L. L. G. ; Hubrich, R. ; Milovanovic, D. ; Geil, B. ; Yang, J.; Kros, A. & Jahn, R.  et al.​ (2015) 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​On/off switching of bit readout in bias-enhanced tunnel magneto-Seebeck effect​
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    Scientific Reports5 art. 8945​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
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    Goldberg, J.; Bresseel, J.; Constant, J.; Kneubuehler, B.; Leubner, F.; Michalik, P. & Bradler, S.​ (2015) 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Urinary neopterin, a non-invasive marker of mammalian cellular immune activation, is highly stable under field conditions.​
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  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
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    Scientific Reports5 art. 17420​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​A nitrogen-vacancy spin based molecular structure microscope using multiplexed projection reconstruction.​
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    ​ ​Different expression domains for two closely related amphibian TAARs generate a bimodal distribution similar to neuronal responses to amine odors​
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | 
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    Scientific Reports5 art. 17793​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
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  • 2014 Journal Article | 
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  • 2014 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​The Microfluidic Jukebox​
    Tan, S. H.; Maes, F.; Semin, B.; Vrignon, J. & Baret, J.-C.​ (2014) 
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  • 2014 Journal Article | 
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    Feldberg, K. ; Schneider, H.; Stadler, T.; Schäfer-Verwimp, A.; Schmidt, A. R.   & Heinrichs, J.​ (2014) 
    Scientific Reports4(1) art. 5974​.​ DOI: 
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