Philosophische Fakultät

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  • 2020 Book Chapter | 
    ​ ​Hall, Thomas N.. "Andreas’s Blooming Blood​." ​In The Wisdom of Exeter - Anglo-Saxon Studies in Honor of Patrick W. Conner, edited by E. J. Christie​, 197​-220​. ​​De Gruyter, ​2020.
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  • 2013 Anthology | 
    ​ ​Racz, Julia, and Gundolf Krüger​, eds. Arrangierte Liebe: ​Leitfaden zur Sonderausstellung in der Ethnologischen Sammlung der Universität Göttingen​. ​​Göttingen: ​Universitätsverlag Göttingen, ​2013.
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  • 2020 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Hermann, Raphael, Judith Steinhoff, Philipp Schlotzhauer, and Philipp Vana. "Breaking News! Making and testing Bronze Age balance scales​." ​Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports ​32 (2020): ​102444​. ​
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  • 2020 Book Chapter
    ​ ​Freise, Matthias. "Brodsky, Joseph: Das lyrische Werk​." ​In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), edited by H. L. Arnold​, 1​-3​. ​​Stuttgart: ​Verlag J.B. Metzler, ​2020.
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  • 2018 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Krengel, Fabian, Christian Bernhofer, Sergey Chalov, Vasily Efimov, Ludmila Efimova, Liudmila Gorbachova, Michal Habel et al. "Challenges for transboundary river management in Eastern Europe – three case studies​." ​Die Erde ​149, no. 2-3 (2018): ​157​-172​. ​
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  • 2021 Monograph
    ​ ​Sůva, Lubomír. Der tschechische Himmel liegt in der Hölle: ​Märchen von Božena Němcová und den Brüdern Grimm im Vergleich​. ​​Ilmtal-Weinstraße: ​Jonas Verlag, ​2021. 
  • 2021 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Rudolf, Winfried. "Digitizing the Old English Anonymous and Wulfstanian Homilies through the Electronic Corpus of Anonymous Homilies in Old English (ECHOE) Project​." ​Anglia ​139, no. 1 (2021): ​128​-153​. ​
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  • 2022 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Zeijlstra, Hedde. "FOFC and what left-right asymmetries may tell us about syntactic structure building​." ​Journal of Linguistics (2022): ​1​-35​. ​
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  • 2008 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Nesselrath, Heinz-Günther. "Literature (C.P.) Jones Ed. Philostratus. The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Books I-IV & V-VIII. (Loeb Classical Library 16 & 17). Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard UP, 2005. 2 vols. Pp. vii + 421 & [viii] + 440. £14.50 each. 9780674996137 & 9780674996144.​." ​The Journal of Hellenic Studies ​128 (2008): ​203​-203​. ​
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  • 2014 Anthology | 
    ​ ​Jakubowski-Tiessen, Manfred, and Jana Sprenger​, eds. Natur und Gesellschaft: ​Perspektiven der interdisziplinären Umweltgeschichte​. ​​Göttingen: ​Universitätsverlag Göttingen, ​2014.
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  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Stifter, David, Fangzhe Qiu, Marco A. Aquino-López, Bernhard Bauer, Elliott Lash, and Nora White. "Strategies in tracing linguistic variation in a corpus of Old Irish texts (CorPH)​." ​International Journal of Corpus Linguistics ​27, no. 4 (2022): ​529​-553​. ​
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  • 2022 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Haslinger, Nina, and Viola Schmitt. "Syntactic conditions on cumulative readings of German jeder ‘every’ DPs​." ​The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics (2022): . ​
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  • 2014 Anthology | 
    ​ ​Jakubowski-Tiessen, Manfred​, ed. Von Amtsgärten und Vogelkojen: ​Beiträge zum Göttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2011-2012​. ​​Göttingen: ​Universitätsverlag Göttingen, ​2014.
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  • 2011 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Steinbach, Markus. "What do agreement auxiliaries reveal about the grammar of sign language agreement?​." ​Theoretical Linguistics ​37, no. 3-4 (2011): ​209​-221​. ​
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  • 2019 Book Chapter | 
    ​ ​Rudolf, Winfried. "Wulfstan at Work​." ​In Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts, edited by Ursula Lenker, Lucia Kornexl​, 267​-306​. ​​De Gruyter, ​2019.
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