Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie

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  • 2023 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Three-dimensional analysis of human pancreatic cancer specimens by phase-contrast based X-ray tomography – the next dimension of diagnosis​
    Pinkert-Leetsch, D.; Frohn, J.; Ströbel, P.; Alves, F.; Salditt, T. & Missbach-Guentner, J.​ (2023) 
    Cancer Imaging23(1) art. 43​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2023 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Optimizing the structure of interdisciplinary tumor boards for effective cancer care​
    Braulke, F.; Kober, K.; Arndt, A.; Papendick, M.; Strauss, A.; Kramm, C. M. & Thoms, K.-M. et al.​ (2023) 
    Frontiers in Oncology13.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2023 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Cardiovascular magnetic resonance-derived left atrioventricular coupling index and major adverse cardiac events in patients following acute myocardial infarction​
    Lange, T.; Backhaus, S. J.; Schulz, A.; Evertz, R.; Kowallick, J. T.; Bigalke, B. & Hasenfuß, G. et al.​ (2023) 
    Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance25(1) art. 24​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2023 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Brainstem atrophy in dementia with Lewy bodies compared with progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson’s disease on MRI​
    Müller, S. J.; Khadhraoui, E.; Hansen, N.; Jamous, A.; Langer, P.; Wiltfang, J. & Riedel, C. H. et al.​ (2023) 
    BMC Neurology23(1) art. 114​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2023 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​A case of coexisting hyperostosis frontalis interna and biparietal bone thinning​
    Gossner, J.​ (2023) 
    Radiology Case Reports18(3) pp. 750​-752​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​The murine male reproductive organ at a glance: Three‐dimensional insights and virtual histology using label‐free light sheet microcopy​
    Pinkert-Leetsch, D. ; Rost, J. U.; Schmiedeknecht, M. U. H.; Stadelmann-Nessler, C. ; Alves, F.   & Mißbach-Güntner, J. ​ (2022) 
    Andrology10(8) art. andr.13292​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article
    ​ ​Influence of moisture content of frozen and embalmed human cadavers for identification of dentinal microcracks using micro-computed tomography​
    Rödig, T. ; Dullin, C. ; Kück, F. ; Krebs, M.; Hettwer-Steeger, I. & Haupt, F. ​ (2022) 
    Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials133 art. 105310​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article
    ​ ​Combination of vertebral bone quality scores from different magnetic resonance imaging sequences improves prognostic value for the estimation of osteoporosis​
    Roch, P. J.; Çelik, B.; Jäckle, K.; Reinhold, M.; Meier, M.-P.; Hawellek, T.   & Kowallick, J. T.  et al.​ (2022) 
    The Spine Journal,.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article
    ​ ​Dissecting structural connectivity of the left and right inferior frontal cortex in children who stutter​
    Neef, N. E. ; Angstadt, M.; Koenraads, S. P. C. & Chang, S.-E.​ (2022) 
    Cerebral Cortex, art. bhac328​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article
    ​ ​Metastase oder Sarkoidose – eine diagnostische Herausforderung beim metastasierten Rektumkarzinom​
    Brunner, M.; Ammer-Herrmenau, C.; Biggemann, L.; Ströbel, P. ; König, A. ; Ellenrieder, V.   & Petzold, G. ​ (2022) 
    Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie,.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​pH-Dependent fluorescence of [La(OH)2]+[ARS]− hybrid nanoparticles for intracellular pH-sensing​
    Sabljo, K.; Napp, J. ; Alves, F.   & Feldmann, C.​ (2022) 
    Chemical Communications58(67) pp. 9417​-9420​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Comparing Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and FNCLCC Grading to Improve Pretreatment Grading of Soft Tissue Sarcoma—A Translational Feasibility Study on Fusion Imaging​
    Hettler, M.; Kitz, J. ; Hosseini, A. S. A. ; Guhlich, M.; Panahi, B.; Ernst, J.   & Conradi, L.-C.  et al.​ (2022) 
    Cancers14(17) pp. 4331​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Left-atrial long-axis shortening allows effective quantification of atrial function and optimized risk prediction following acute myocardial infarction​
    Backhaus, S. J. ; Rösel, S. F.; Stiermaier, T.; Schmidt-Rimpler, J.; Evertz, R.; Schulz, A. & Lange, T. et al.​ (2022) 
    European Heart Journal Open2(5) art. oeac053​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article
    ​ ​MINOCA – Myokardinfarkt mit nichtobstruktiven Koronararterien​
    Kowallick, J. T. ; Scholz, M.; Schuster, A.   & Lotz, J. ​ (2022) 
    Die Radiologie62(11) pp. 912​-919​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Monitoring nanoparticle dissolution via fluorescence-colour shift​
    Ritschel, C.; Napp, J. ; Alves, F.   & Feldmann, C.​ (2022) 
    Nanoscale,.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article
    ​ ​In silico modeling for personalized stenting in aortic coarctation​
    Ma, D.; Wang, Y.; Azhar, M.; Adler, A.; Steinmetz, M.   & Uecker, M. ​ (2022) 
    Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics16(1) pp. 2056​-2073​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​A multimodal imaging workflow for monitoring CAR T cell therapy against solid tumor from whole-body to single-cell level​
    Pfeifer, R.; Henze, J.; Wittich, K.; Gosselink, A.; Kinkhabwala, A.; Gremse, F. & Bleilevens, C. et al.​ (2022) 
    Theranostics12(11) pp. 4834​-4850​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging patterns of acute COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-associated myocarditis in young male patients: A first single-center experience​
    Evertz, R.; Schulz, A.; Lange, T.; Backhaus, S. J. ; Vollmann, D.; Kowallick, J. T.   & Haehling, S. von  et al.​ (2022) 
    Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine9 art. 965512​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Artificial intelligence fully automated myocardial strain quantification for risk stratification following acute myocardial infarction​
    Backhaus, S. J. ; Aldehayat, H.; Kowallick, J. T. ; Evertz, R.; Lange, T.; Kutty, S. & Bigalke, B. et al.​ (2022) 
    Scientific Reports12(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Simultaneous assessment of lung morphology and respiratory motion in retrospectively gated in-vivo microCT of free breathing anesthetized mice​
    Dullin, C. ; Svetlove, A.; Zschüntzsch, J.   & Alves, F. ​ (2022) 
    Scientific Reports12(1).​ DOI: 
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  • 2021 Conference Abstract
    ​ ​Evolutionarily distinct roles of gamma-secretase subunit nicastrin in zebrafish and humans​
    Hermasch, M. A.; Janning, H.; Perera, R. P.; Schnabel, V. ; Rostam, N.; Ramos-Gomes, F. & Muschalek, W. et al.​ (2021)
    Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft19(Suppl. 3) p. 13. ​92. Jahrestagung der Norddeutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft​, Rostock.
    Details  WoS 
  • 2020 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Functional and prognostic implications of cardiac magnetic resonance feature tracking-derived remote myocardial strain analyses in patients following acute myocardial infarction​
    Lange, T.; Stiermaier, T.; Boom, P. C.; Kowallick, J. T. ; de Waha-Thiele, S.; Lotz, J.   & Kutty, S. et al.​ (2020) 
    Clinical Research in Cardiology110(2) pp. 270​-280​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article
    ​ ​Fluorescence- and multispectral optoacoustic imaging for an optimized detection of deeply located tumors in an orthotopic mouse model of pancreatic carcinoma​
    Napp, J. ; Stammes, M. A; Claussen, J.; Prevoo, H. A J M; Sier, C.; Hoeben, F. J M & Robillard, M. et al.​ (2018) 
    International Journal of Cancer142(10) pp. 2118​-2129​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Different Response of Ptch Mutant and Ptch Wildtype Rhabdomyosarcoma Toward SMO and PI3K Inhibitors​
    Geyer, N.; Ridzewski, R.; Bauer, J.; Kuzyakova, M.; Dittmann, K.; Dullin, C. & Rosenberger, A.  et al.​ (2018) 
    Frontiers in Oncology8 art. 396​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Therapeutic Fluorescent Hybrid Nanoparticles for Traceable Delivery of Glucocorticoids to Inflammatory Sites​
    Napp, J.; Markus, M. A.; Heck, J. G.; Dullin, C.; Möbius, W. ; Gorpas, D. & Feldmann, C. et al.​ (2018) 
    Theranostics8(22) pp. 6367​-6383​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Primary bladder adenocarcinoma: Case report with long-term follow-up​
    Uhlig, A.; Behnes, C. L.; Strauss, A.; Trojan, L.; Uhlig, J. & Leitsmann, C.​ (2018) 
    Urology Case Reports18 pp. 64​-66​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Biomechanical and histological analyses of the fracture healing process after direct or prolonged reduction​
    Peterburs, B.; Mittelstaedt, A.; Haas, P.; Petri, M.; Westphal, R.; Dullin, C. & Sehmisch, S. et al.​ (2018) 
    European Journal of Medical Research23(1) art. 39​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Splenic torsion with involvement of pancreas and descending colon in a 9-year-old boy​
    Hosseini, A. S. A. ; Streit, U.; Uhlig, J.; Biggemann, L.; Kahl, F.; Ahmed, S.   & Markus, D.​ (2018) 
    BJR|case reports4 art. 20180051​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article
    ​ ​Partial nephrectomy versus ablative techniques for small renal masses: a systematic review and network meta-analysis​
    Uhlig, J.; Strauss, A. ; Rücker, G.; Hosseini, A. S. A. ; Lotz, J. ; Trojan, L.   & Kim, H. S. et al.​ (2018) 
    European Radiology29(3) pp. 1293​-1307​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Preventive Services Utilization Among Cancer Survivors Compared to Cancer-free Controls​
    Uhlig, A.; Uhlig, J.; Strauss, A.; Trojan, L.; Lotz, J.   & Hosseini, A. S. A.​ (2018) 
    The Open Public Health Journal11(1) pp. 122​-133​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Inter-vendor reproducibility of left and right ventricular cardiovascular magnetic resonance myocardial feature-tracking​
    Gertz, R. J.; Lange, T.; Kowallick, J. T.; Backhaus, S. J.; Steinmetz, M.; Staab, W. & Kutty, S. et al.​ (2018) 
    PLOS ONE13(3) art. e0193746​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​3D virtual histology of murine kidneys -high resolution visualization of pathological alterations by micro computed tomography.​
    Missbach-Guentner, J.; Pinkert-Leetsch, D.; Dullin, C.; Ufartes, R.; Hornung, D.; Tampe, B. & Zeisberg, M.  et al.​ (2018) 
    Scientific Reports8(1) art. 1407​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​The "rapid atrial swirl sign" for assessing central venous catheters: Performance by medical residents after limited training.​
    Korsten, P. ; Mavropoulou, E.; Wienbeck, S. ; Ellenberger, D. ; Patschan, D.; Zeisberg, M.   & Vasko, R. et al.​ (2018) 
    PloS one13(7) pp. e0199345​-e0199345​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​X-ray based virtual histology allows guided sectioning of heavy ion stained murine lungs for histological analysis.​
    Albers, J.; Markus, M. A.; Alves, F.   & Dullin, C.​ (2018) 
    Scientific Reports8(1) art. 7712​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2018 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Carotid Artery Stenosis Contralateral to Intracranial Large Vessel Occlusion: An Independent Predictor of Unfavorable Clinical Outcome After Mechanical Thrombectomy.​
    Maus, V.; Abdullayev, N.; Sack, H.; Borggrefe, J.; Mpotsaris, A. & Behme, D.​ (2018) 
    Frontiers in neurology9 art. 437​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 

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