Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wiegand

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  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​A simulation study comparing common methods for analyzing species–habitat associations of plants​
    Hesselbarth, M. H. K. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2024) 
    Journal of Vegetation Science35(2) art. e13243​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2024 Journal Article
    ​ ​Developing multidisciplinary mechanistic models: challenges and approaches​
    Vedder, D.; Fischer, S. M.; Wiegand, K.   & Pe’er, G.​ (2024) 
    Socio-environmental systems modelling6 pp. 18701​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2024 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Spatio-temporal dynamics of fairy circles in Namibia are driven by rainfall and soil infiltrability​
    Getzin, S. ; Holch, S.; Ottenbreit, J. M.; Yizhaq, H. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2024) 
    Landscape Ecology39 art. 122​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2023 Book Chapter
    ​ ​The landscape perspective in agroecology – history and recent advances​
    Haß, A. L. ; Spangenberg, M.; Wiegand, K.  & Westphal, C. ​ (2023)
    In:​Dormann, C.F.; Batáry, P.; Grass, I.; Klein, A.-M.; Loos, J.; Scherber, C.; Steffan-Dewenter, I., et al.​ (Eds.), Defining Agroecology – A Festschrift for Teja Tscharntke pp. 9​-25. ​Hamburg: ​Tredition.
  • 2023 Journal Article
    ​ ​Low R2 in ecology: Bitter, or B-side?​
    Lin, Y. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2023) 
    Ecological Indicators153 pp. 110406​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2022 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Chronic and Acute Effects of Imidacloprid on a Simulated BEEHAVE Honeybee Colony​
    Reiner, D.; Grimm, V.; Groeneveld, J.; Wiegand, K.   & Spangenberg, M. C.​ (2022) 
    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry41(9) pp. 2318​-2327​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2022 Journal Article
    ​ ​Plant water stress, not termite herbivory, causes Namibia’s fairy circles​
    Getzin, S. ; Holch, S.; Yizhaq, H. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2022) 
    Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, pp. 125698​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2022 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​spectre: an R package to estimate spatially‐explicit community composition using sparse data​
    Simpkins, C. E. ; Hanß, S. ; Spangenberg, M. C.; Salecker, J. ; Hesselbarth, M. H. K.   & Wiegand, K. ​ (2022) 
    Ecography2022(12) art. e06272​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2021 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Bridging ecology and physics: Australian fairy circles regenerate following model assumptions on ecohydrological feedbacks​
    Getzin, S. ; Erickson, T. E.; Yizhaq, H.; Muñoz‐Rojas, M.; Huth, A. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2021) 
    Journal of Ecology109 pp. 399​-416​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2021 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Environmental heterogeneity predicts global species richness patterns better than area​
    Udy, K.; Fritsch, M. ; Meyer, K. M. ; Grass, I. ; Hanß, S. ; Hartig, F. & Kneib, T.  et al.​ (2021) 
    Global Ecology and Biogeography30(4) pp. 842​-851​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2021 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Towards 3D tree spatial pattern analysis: Setting the cornerstone of LiDAR advancing 3D forest structural and spatial ecology​
    Lin, Y. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2021) 
    International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation103 pp. 102506​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2020 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Relative contribution of evapotranspiration and soil compaction to the fluctuation of catchment discharge: case study from a plantation landscape​
    Tarigan, S.; Stiegler, C. ; Wiegand, K. ; Knohl, A.   & Murtilaksono, K.​ (2020) 
    Hydrological Sciences Journal65(7) pp. 1239​-1248​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2020 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​PioLaG: a piosphere landscape generator for savanna rangeland modelling​
    Hess, B. ; Dreber, N. ; Liu, Y.; Wiegand, K. ; Ludwig, M.; Meyer, H. & Meyer, K. M. ​ (2020) 
    Landscape Ecology35(9) pp. 2061​-2082​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2019 Working Paper | 
    ​ ​EFForTS-LGraf: ​A Landscape Generator for Creating Smallholder-Driven Land-Use Mosaics​ (​​EFForTS Discussion Paper Series​, 29​​)
    Salecker, J. ; Dislich, C. ; Wiegand, K. ; Meyer, K. M.  & Pe’er, G.​ (2019)
    Göttingen​: SFB 990, University of Göttingen; GOEDOC, Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
  • 2019 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​A multi-scale study of Australian fairy circles using soil excavations and drone-based image analysis​
    Getzin, S. ; Yizhaq, H.; Muñoz-Rojas, M.; Wiegand, K.   & Erickson, T. E.​ (2019) 
    Ecosphere10(2) art. e02620​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2019 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​landscapemetrics: an open‐source R tool to calculate landscape metrics​
    Hesselbarth, M. H. K. ; Sciaini, M. ; With, K. A.; Wiegand, K.   & Nowosad, J.​ (2019) 
    Ecography42(10) pp. 1648​-1657​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2019 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​The nlrx r package: A next‐generation framework for reproducible NetLogo model analyses​
    Salecker, J. ; Sciaini, M. ; Meyer, K. M.   & Wiegand, K. ​ (2019) 
    Methods in Ecology and Evolution10(11) pp. 1854​-1863​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2019 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Interactions between ecological, evolutionary and environmental processes unveil complex dynamics of insular plant diversity​
    Cabral, J. S.; Wiegand, K.   & Kreft, H.​ (2019) 
    Journal of Biogeography46(7) pp. 1582​-1597​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2019 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Assessing predicted isolation effects from the general dynamic model of island biogeography with an eco‐evolutionary model for plants​
    Cabral, J. S.; Whittaker, R. J.; Wiegand, K.   & Kreft, H. ​ (2019) 
    Journal of Biogeography46(7) pp. 1569​-1581​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2019 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​EFForTS-LGraf: A landscape generator for creating smallholder-driven land-use mosaics​
    Salecker, J. ; Dislich, C. ; Wiegand, K. ; Meyer, K. M.   & Pe Er, G.​ (2019) 
    PLoS One14(9) art. e0222949​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2018 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Dietary Intervention with Oatmeal in Patients with uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – A Crossover Study​
    Delgado, G.; Kleber, M. E.; Krämer, B. K; Morcos, M.; Humpert, P. M.; Wiegand, K.   & Mauldin, A. et al.​ (2018) 
    Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes127(09) pp. 623​-629​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Large shrubs increase soil nutrients in a semi-arid savanna​
    Ward, D. ; Trinogga, J.; Wiegand, K. ; du Toit, J.; Okubamichael, D.; Reinsch, S. & Schleicher, J.​ (2018) 
    Geoderma310 pp. 153​-162​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Minimum forest cover required for sustainable water flow regulation of a watershed: a case study in Jambi Province, Indonesia​
    Tarigan, S.; Wiegand, K.   & Slamet, B.​ (2018) 
    Hydrology and Earth System Sciences22(1) pp. 581​-594​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Land-use change in oil palm dominated tropical landscapes-An agent-based model to explore ecological and socio-economic trade-offs.​
    Dislich, C. ; Hettig, E.; Salecker, J. ; Heinonen, J.; Lay, J.; Meyer, K. M.   & Wiegand, K.  et al.​ (2018) 
    PLOS ONE13(1) art. e0190506​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2017 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​A review of the ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations, using forests as a reference system​
    Dislich, C. ; Keyel, A. C. ; Salecker, J. ; Kisel, Y.; Meyer, K. M. ; Auliya, M. & Barnes, A. D.  et al.​ (2017) 
    Biological Reviews92(3) pp. 1539​-1569​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2017 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Carrying capacity in arid rangelands during droughts: the role of temporal and spatial thresholds​
    Accatino, F. ; Ward, D. ; Wiegand, K.   & De Michele, C.​ (2017) 
    Animal11(2) pp. 309​-317​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​SpatialDemography: a spatially explicit, stage-structured, metacommunity model​
    Keyel, A. C. ; Gerstenlauer, J. L. K. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2016) 
    Ecography39(11) pp. 1129​-1137​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Mitigation options for improving the ecosystem function of water flow regulation in a watershed with rapid expansion of oil palm plantations​
    Tarigan, S. D. ; Wiegand, K. ; Dislich, C. ; Slamet, B.; Heinonen, J. & Meyer, K. M. ​ (2016) 
    Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology8 pp. 4​-13​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Economic and ecological trade-offs of agricultural specialization at different spatial scales​
    Klasen, S. ; Meyer, K. M. ; Dislich, C. ; Euler, M. ; Faust, H. ; Gatto, M. & Hettig, E. et al.​ (2016) 
    Ecological Economics122 pp. 111​-120​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Biological control in Indonesian oil palm potentially enhanced by landscape context​
    Nurdiansyah, F. ; Denmead, L. H. ; Clough, Y. ; Wiegand, K.   & Tscharntke, T. ​ (2016) 
    Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment232 pp. 141​-149​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Revealing the Driving Forces of Mid-Cities Urban Growth Patterns Using Spatial Modeling: a Case Study of Los Ángeles, Chile​
    Aguayo, M. I.; Wiegand, T.; Azócar, G. D.; Wiegand, K.   & Vega, C. E.​ (2016) 
    Ecology and Society12(1).​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Validating the use of unique trait combinations for measuring multivariate functional richness​
    Keyel, A. C.   & Wiegand, K. ​ (2016) 
    Methods in Ecology and Evolution7(8) pp. 929​-936​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Water scarcity and oil palm expansion: social views and environmental processes​
    Merten, J.; Röll, A. ; Guillaume, T. ; Meijide Orive, A. ; Tarigan, S. D. ; Agusta, H. & Dislich, C.  et al.​ (2016) 
    Ecology and Society21(2) art. 5​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Discovery of fairy circles in Australia supports self-organization theory​
    Getzin, S. ; Yizhaq, H.; Bell, B.; Erickson, T. E.; Postle, A. C.; Katra, I. & Tzuk, O. et al.​ (2016) 
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences113(13) pp. 3551​-3556​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Ecological and socio-economic functions across tropical land use systems after rainforest conversion​
    Drescher, J. ; Rembold, K. ; Allen, K. ; Beckschäfer, P. ; Buchori, D. ; Clough, Y.   & Faust, H.  et al.​ (2016) 
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences371(1694) art. 20150275​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Reply to Walsh et al.: Hexagonal patterns of Australian fairy circles develop without correlation to termitaria​
    Getzin, S. ; Yizhaq, H.; Bell, B.; Erickson, T. E.; Postle, A. C.; Katra, I. & Tzuk, O. et al.​ (2016) 
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences113(37) pp. E5368​-E5369​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2015 Working Paper | 
    ​ ​Ecosystem functions of oil palm plantations: ​a review​ (​​EFForTS Discussion Paper Series​, 16​​)
    Dislich, C. ; Keyel, A. C. ; Salecker, J. ; Kisel, Y.; Meyer, K. M. ; Corre, M. D.  & Faust, H.  et al.​ (2015)
    Göttingen​: SFB 990, University of Göttingen; GOEDOC, Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
  • 2015 Working Paper | 
    ​ ​Towards an integrated ecological-economic land-use change model​ (​​EFForTS Discussion Paper Series​, 17​​)
    Dislich, C. ; Hettig, E.; Heinonen, J.; Lay, J.; Meyer, K. M. ; Tarigan, S.  & Wiegand, K. ​ (2015)
    Göttingen​: SFB 990, University of Göttingen; GOEDOC, Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Spatial distribution and association patterns in a tropical evergreen broad-leaved forest of north-central Vietnam​
    Nguyen, H. H.; Uria-Diez, J. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2015) 
    Journal of Vegetation Science27(2) pp. 318​-327​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Neighborhood diversity of large trees shows independent species patterns in a mixed dipterocarp forest in Sri Lanka​
    Punchi-Manage, R.; Wiegand, T.; Wiegand, K. ; Getzin, S. ; Huth, A.; Gunatilleke, C. V. S. & Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N.​ (2015) 
    Ecology96(7) pp. 1823​-1834​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Efficiency of sample-based indices for spatial pattern recognition of wild pistachio (Pistacia atlantica) trees in semi-arid woodlands​
    Erfanifard, Y.; Saborowski, J. ; Wiegand, K.   & Meyer, K. M. ​ (2015) 
    Journal of Forestry Research27(3) pp. 583​-594​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Trees, grass, and fire in humid savannas: ​The importance of life history traits and spatial processes​
    Accatino, F. ; Wiegand, K. ; Ward, D.   & Michele, C. de​ (2015) 
    Ecological Modelling320 pp. 135​-144​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Clarifying misunderstandings regarding vegetation self-organisation and spatial patterns of fairy circles in Namibia: a response to recent termite hypotheses​
    Getzin, S. ; Wiegand, K. ; Wiegand, T.; Yizhaq, H.; von Hardenberg, J. & Meron, E.​ (2015) 
    Ecological Entomology40(6) pp. 669​-675​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Spatial scales of interactions among bacteria and between bacteria and the leaf surface​
    Esser, D. S.; Leveau, J. H. J.; Meyer, K. M.   & Wiegand, K. ​ (2015) 
    FEMS Microbiology Ecology91(3).​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Spatial patterns and demographics of Streblus macrophyllus trees in a tropical evergreen forest, Vietnam.​
    Nguyen, H. H.; Wiegand, K.   & Getzin, S. ​ (2014) 
    Journal of Tropical Forest Science26(3) pp. 309​-319​.​
  • 2014 Poster
    ​ ​Black Poplar Population Persistence​
    Salecker, J. ; Meyer, K. M.  & Wiegand, K. ​ (2014), Hildesheim.
  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Adopting a spatially explicit perspective to study the mysterious fairy circles of Namibia​
    Getzin, S. ; Wiegand, K. ; Wiegand, T.; Yizhaq, H.; von Hardenberg, J. & Meron, E.​ (2014) 
    Ecography38(1) pp. 1​-11​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to Quantify Spatial Gap Patterns in Forests​
    Getzin, S. ; Nuske, R. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2014) 
    Remote Sensing6(8) pp. 6988​-7004​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Spatial distributions of tropical tree species in northern Vietnam under environmentally variable site conditions​
    Nguyen, H. H.; Wiegand, K.   & Getzin, S. ​ (2014) 
    Journal of Forestry Research25(2) pp. 257​-268​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Robustness and management adaptability in tropical rangelands: a viability-based assessment under the non-equilibrium paradigm​
    Accatino, F. ; Sabatier, R. ; Michele, C. de; Ward, D. ; Wiegand, K.   & Meyer, K. M. ​ (2014) 
    Animal8(8) pp. 1272​-1281​.​ DOI: 10.1017/S1751731114000913 
    Details  DOI; DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Effect of spatial processes and topography on structuring species assemblages in a Sri Lankan dipterocarp forest​
    Punchi-Manage, R.; Wiegand, T.; Wiegand, K. ; Getzin, S. ; Gunatilleke, C. V. S. & Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N.​ (2014) 
    Ecology95(2) pp. 376​-386​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2013 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​The importance of heterogeneity revisited from a multiscale and multitaxa approach​
    Goßner, M. M.; Getzin, S. ; Lange, M.; Pašalić, E.; Türke, M.; Wiegand, K.   & Weisser, W. W.​ (2013) 
    Biological Conservation166 pp. 212​-220​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2013 Conference Abstract
    ​ ​Walter's two-layer hypothesis revisited - back to the roots!​
    Ward, D.; Wiegand, K.   & Getzin, S. ​ (2013)
    South African Journal of Botany86 
    Amsterdam​: Elsevier Science Bv. DOI: 
    Details  DOI  WoS 
  • 2013 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​How can we bring together empiricists and modellers in functional biodiversity research?​
    Jeltsch, F.; Blaum, N.; Brose, U.; Chipperfield, J. D.; Clough, Y. ; Farwig, N. & Geissler, K. et al.​ (2013) 
    Basic and Applied Ecology14(2) pp. 93​-101​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2013 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Non-linear effects of pesticide application on biodiversity-driven ecosystem services and disservices in a cacao agroecosystem: A modeling study​
    Sabatier, R. ; Meyer, K. M. ; Wiegand, K.   & Clough, Y. ​ (2013) 
    Basic and Applied Ecology14(2) pp. 115​-125​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2013 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Production and Robustness of a Cacao Agroecosystem: Effects of Two Contrasting Types of Management Strategies​
    Sabatier, R. ; Wiegand, K.   & Meyer, K. M. ​ (2013) 
    PLoS ONE8(12) art. e80352​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2013 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Effects of topography on structuring local species assemblages in a Sri Lankan mixed dipterocarp forest​
    Punchi-Manage, R.; Getzin, S. ; Wiegand, T.; Kanagaraj, R.; Savitri Gunatilleke, C. V.; Nimal Gunatilleke, I. A. U. & Wiegand, K.  et al.​ (2013) 
    Journal of Ecology101(1) pp. 149​-160​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2012 Book Chapter
    ​ ​Scale Effects in Biodiversity and Biological Control: Methods and Statistical Analysis​
    Scherber, C. ; Lavandero, B.; Meyer, K. M. ; Perović, D. ; Visser, U. ; Wiegand, K.  & Tscharntke, T. ​ (2012)
    In:​Gurr, Geoff M.; Wratten, Steve D.; Snyder, William E.; Read, Donna M. Y.​ (Eds.), Biodiversity and Insect Pests: Key Issues for Sustainable Management pp. 121​-138. ​Chichester, UK: ​John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2012 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Walter’s two-layer hypothesis revisited: back to the roots!​
    Ward, D. ; Wiegand, K.   & Getzin, S. ​ (2012) 
    Oecologia172(3) pp. 617​-630​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2011 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Interaction between ungulates and bruchid beetles and its effect on Acacia trees: modeling the costs and benefits of seed dispersal to plant demography​
    Rodríguez-Pérez, J. ; Wiegand, K.   & Ward, D. ​ (2011) 
    Oecologia167(1) pp. 97​-105​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2011 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Assessing biodiversity in forests using very high-resolution images and unmanned aerial vehicles​
    Getzin, S. ; Wiegand, K.   & Schöning, I.​ (2011) 
    Methods in Ecology and Evolution3(2) pp. 397​-404​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2011 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Disentangling facilitation and seed dispersal from environmental heterogeneity as mechanisms generating associations between savanna plants​
    Schleicher, J.; Meyer, K. M. ; Wiegand, K. ; Schurr, F. M. & Ward, D. ​ (2011) 
    Journal of Vegetation Science22(6) pp. 1038​-1048​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2011 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Size dominance regulates tree spacing more than competition within height classes in tropical Cameroon​
    Getzin, S. ; Worbes, M. ; Wiegand, T. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2011) 
    Journal of Tropical Ecology27(1) pp. 93​-102​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2010 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Learning new tricks from old trees: revisiting the savanna question​
    Moustakas, A. ; Wiegand, K. ; Meyer, K. M. ; Ward, D.   & Sankaran, M.​ (2010) 
    Frontiers of Biogeography2(2) pp. 47​-53​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2010 Book Chapter
    ​ ​Spatially explicit modelling of savanna processes​
    Meyer, K. M. ; Wiegand, K.  & Ward, D. ​ (2010)
    In:​Hill, M. J.; Hanan, M. P.​ (Eds.), Ecosystem Function in Savannas: Measurement and Modeling at Landscape to Global Scales. ​Taylor & Francis.
  • 2010 Book Chapter
    ​ ​Spatially Explicit Modeling of Savanna Processes​
    Meyer, K. M. ; Wiegand, K.  & Ward, D. ​ (2010)
    In:​Hill, Michael J.; Hanan, Niall P.​ (Eds.), Ecosystem Function in Savannas: Measurement and Modeling at Landscape to Global Scales pp. 273​-291. (Vol. 17). ​CRC Press. DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2010 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Changes of woody plant interaction and spatial distribution between rocky and sandy soil areas in a semi-arid savanna, South Africa​
    Schleicher, J.; Wiegand, K.   & Ward, D. ​ (2010) 
    Journal of Arid Environments75(3) pp. 270​-278​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2009 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Do Acacia and Tamarix trees compete for water in the Negev desert?​
    Sher, A. A.; Wiegand, K.   & Ward, D. ​ (2009) 
    Journal of Arid Environments74(3) pp. 338​-343​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2009 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Are savannas patch-dynamic systems? A landscape model​
    Moustakas, A. ; Sakkos, K.; Wiegand, K. ; Ward, D. ; Meyer, K. M.   & Eisinger, D.​ (2009) 
    Ecological Modelling220(24) pp. 3576​-3588​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2009 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Conservation Biocontrol in Fragmented Landscapes: Persistence and Parasitation in a Host-Parasitoid Model​
    Visser, U. ; Wiegand, K. ; Grimm, V. & Johst, K.​ (2009) 
    The Open Ecology Journal2(1) pp. 52​-61​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2009 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Patch dynamics integrate mechanisms for savanna tree–grass coexistence​
    Meyer, K. M. ; Wiegand, K.   & Ward, D. ​ (2009) 
    Basic and Applied Ecology10(6) pp. 491​-499​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2009 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Multi-scale patterns and bush encroachment in an arid savanna with a shallow soil layer​
    Wiegand, K. ; Ward, D.   & Saltz, D.​ (2009) 
    Journal of Vegetation Science16(3) pp. 311​-320​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2009 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Evaluating the trade-off between machinery efficiency and loss of biodiversity-friendly habitats in arable landscapes: The role of field size​
    Rodríguez, C. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2009) 
    Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment129(4) pp. 361​-366​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2008 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Scale-dependent competition at the stand level assessed from crown areas​
    Getzin, S. ; Wiegand, K. ; Schumacher, J. & Gougeon, F. A.​ (2008) 
    Forest Ecology and Management255(7) pp. 2478​-2485​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2008 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​SERGE: A spatially-explicit generator of local rainfall in southern Africa​
    Eisinger, D. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2008) 
    South African Journal of Science104(1-2) pp. 37​-42​.​
  • 2008 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​The role of size inequality in self-thinning: A pattern-oriented simulation model for arid savannas​
    Wiegand, K. ; Saltz, D.; Ward, D.   & Levin, S. A.​ (2008) 
    Ecological Modelling210(4) pp. 431​-445​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2008 Encyclopedia Article
    ​ ​Ecological models: Grassland models​
    Wiegand, T.; Wiegand, K.  & Pütz, S.​ (2008)
    In:Jorgenson, S. E.; Fath, B. D.​ (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Ecology pp. 1754​-1765. 
    Oxford​: Elsevier.
  • 2008 Encyclopedia Article
    ​ ​Ecological models: Grazing​
    Wiegand, T.; Wiegand, K.  & Pütz, S.​ (2008)
    In:Jorgenson, S. E.; Fath, B. D.​ (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Ecology pp. 1773​-1782. 
    Oxford​: Elsevier.
  • 2008 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Heterogeneity influences spatial patterns and demographics in forest stands​
    Getzin, S. ; Wiegand, T.; Wiegand, K.   & He, F.​ (2008) 
    Journal of Ecology96(4) pp. 807​-820​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2008 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Spacing patterns of an Acacia tree in the Kalahari over a 61-year period: How clumped becomes regular and vice versa​
    Moustakas, A. ; Wiegand, K. ; Getzin, S. ; Ward, D. ; Meyer, K. M. ; Guenther, M. & Mueller, K.-H.​ (2008) 
    Acta Oecologica33(3) pp. 355​-364​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2007 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Multi-proxy evidence for competition between savanna woody species​
    Meyer, K. M. ; Ward, D. ; Wiegand, K.   & Moustakas, A. ​ (2007) 
    Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics10(1) pp. 63​-72​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2007 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​SATCHMO: A spatial simulation model of growth, competition, and mortality in cycling savanna patches​
    Meyer, K. M. ; Wiegand, K. ; Ward, D.   & Moustakas, A. ​ (2007) 
    Ecological Modelling209(2-4) pp. 377​-391​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2007 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Determining patch size​
    Meyer, K. M. ; Wiegand, K. ; Ward, D.   & Moustakas, A. ​ (2007) 
    African Journal of Ecology46(3) pp. 440​-442​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2007 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​The rhythm of savanna patch dynamics​
    Meyer, K. M. ; Wiegand, K. ; Ward, D.   & Moustakas, A. ​ (2007) 
    Journal of Ecology95(6) pp. 1306​-1315​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2007 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Asymmetric tree growth at the stand level: Random crown patterns and the response to slope​
    Getzin, S.   & Wiegand, K. ​ (2007) 
    Forest Ecology and Management242(2-3) pp. 165​-174​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2006 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Long-term demographic fluctuations in an orchid species driven by weather: implications for conservation planning​
    Pfeifer, M.; Wiegand, K. ; Heinrich, W. & Jetschke, G.​ (2006) 
    Journal of Applied Ecology43(2) pp. 313​-324​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2006 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Demographic Stochasticity Does Not Predict Persistence of Gecko Populations​
    Wiegand, K. ; Sarre, S. D.; Henle, K.; Stephan, T.; Wissel, C. & Brandl, R.​ (2006) 
    Ecological Applications11(6) art. 1738​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2006 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Spatial patterns and competition of tree species in a Douglas-fir chronosequence on Vancouver Island​
    Getzin, S. ; Dean, C.; He, F.; Trofymow, J. A.; Wiegand, K.   & Wiegand, T.​ (2006) 
    Ecography29(5) pp. 671​-682​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2006 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Long-term mortality patterns of the deep-rooted Acacia erioloba: The middle class shall die!​
    Moustakas, A. ; Guenther, M.; Wiegand, K. ; Mueller, K.-H.; Ward, D. ; Meyer, K. M.   & Jeltsch, F.​ (2006) 
    Journal of Vegetation Science17(4) art. 473​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2005 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​A patch-dynamics approach to savanna dynamics and woody plant encroachment – Insights from an arid savanna​
    Wiegand, K. ; Saltz, D. & Ward, D. ​ (2005) 
    Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics7(4) pp. 229​-242​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2005 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Big is not better: small Acacia mellifera shrubs are more vital after fire​
    Meyer, K. M. ; Ward, D. ; Moustakas, A.   & Wiegand, K. ​ (2005) 
    African Journal of Ecology43(2) pp. 131​-136​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2004 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​The role of density regulation in extinction processes and population viability analysis​
    Henle, K.; Sarre, S. & Wiegand, K. ​ (2004) 
    Biodiversity and Conservation13(1) pp. 9​-52​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2004 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Minimum recruitment frequency in plants with episodic recruitment​
    Wiegand, K. ; Jeltsch, F. & Ward, D. ​ (2004) 
    Oecologia141(2) pp. 363​-372​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2004 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Resource pulses, species interactions, and diversity maintenance in arid and semi-arid environments​
    Chesson, P.; Gebauer, R. L. E.; Schwinning, S.; Huntly, N.; Wiegand, K. ; Ernest, M. S. K. & Sher, A. et al.​ (2004) 
    Oecologia141(2) pp. 236​-253​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2003 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​From snapshot information to long-term population dynamics of Acacias by a simulation model​
    Wiegand, K. ; Ward, D. ; Thulke, H.-H. & Jeltsch, F.​ (2003) 
    Plant Ecology150(1/2) pp. 97​-114​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2002 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Extinction and Spatial Structure in Simulation Models​
    Wiegand, K. ; Henle, K. & Sarre, S. D.​ (2002) 
    Conservation Biology16(1) pp. 117​-128​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2002 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Spatial and biological aspects of reserve design​
    Chave, J.; Wiegand, K.   & Levin, S.​ (2002) 
    Environmental Modeling & Assessment7(2) pp. 115​-122​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2000 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Do spatial effects play a role in the spatial distribution of desert-dwelling Acacia raddiana?​
    Wiegand, K. ; Jeltsch, F. & Ward, D. ​ (2000) 
    Journal of Vegetation Science11(4) pp. 473​-484​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2000 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Linking a spatially-explicit model of acacias to GIS and remotely-sensed data​
    Wiegand, K. ; Jeltsch, F.; Ward, D.   & Schmidt, H.​ (2000) 
    Folia Geobotanica35(2) pp. 211​-230​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 1999 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Analysis of the population dynamics of $ trees in the Negev desert, Israel with a spatially-explicit computer simulation model​
    Wiegand, K. ; Jeltsch, F. & Ward, D. ​ (1999) 
    Ecological Modelling117(2-3) pp. 203​-224​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI 
  • 1997 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung von Strassen auf das Überleben der Akazien im Negev​
    Wiegand, K. ; Jeltsch, F. & Ward, D. ​ (1997) 
    Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie28 pp. 499​-506​.​
  • 1996 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Extinctions in habitat remnants: lessons from a specialised gecko species​
    Wiegand, K. ; Brandl, R.; Henle, K.; Sarre, S.; Stephan, T. & Wissel, C.​ (1996) 
    Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie26 pp. 489​-494​.​

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