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Publication List
Date issued
- Wiegand, Kerstin 98
- Ward, David 28
- Meyer, Katrin M. 27
- Getzin, Stephan 23
- Wiegand, Thorsten 14
- Dislich, Claudia 9
- Moustakas, Aristides 9
- Salecker, Jan 8
- Yizhaq, Hezi 8
- Jeltsch, Florian 7
- Tscharntke, Teja 6
- Faust, Heiko 5
- Knohl, Alexander 5
- Kreft, Holger 5
- Meyer, Katrin Mareike 5
- Clough, Yann 4
- Erickson, Todd E. 4
- Huth, Andreas 4
- Keyel, Alexander C. 4
- Meron, Ehud 4
- sfb990_journalarticles 10
- Acacia raddiana 6
- Point pattern analysis 5
- Spatial scale 5
- Acacia 3
- Acacia mellifera 3
- Cyclical succession 3
- Extinction 3
- Neutral theory 3
- sfb990_discussionpaperseries 3
- Shrub encroachment 3
- Simulation models 3
- Tree-grass coexistence 3
- Acacia erioloba 2
- Arid 2
- Biodiversity 2
- Biological control 2
- Coexistence 2
- Competition 2
- Conservation 2
- Dispersal limitation 2
- Douglas-fir 2
- fragmentation 2
- Individual-based simulation model 2
- Indonesia 2
- interspecific competition 2
- island biogeography 2
- Israel 2
- Mark-correlation function 2
- metabolic theory 2
- Modeling 2
- Negev 2
- NetLogo 2
- pair-correlation function 2
- Population dynamics 2
- Population viability analysis 2
- Savanna 2
- sfb990_abs 2
- Simulation model 2
- Sinharaja forest 2
- Spatial autocorrelation 2
- Spatial ecology 2
- spatial periodicity 2
- Tree 2
- vegetation self-organization 2
- ABM 1
- Acacia gerrardii 1
- Acacia reficiens 1
- Acacia tortilis 1
- adaptability 1
- agent-based model 1
- agent-based modelling 1
- Agri-environmental schemes 1
- agricultural landscape 1
- Agriculture intensification 1
- Agroecosystem 1
- Allee effect 1
- Ant 1
- Anthropogenic disturbances 1
- Arid environments 1
- Arid savanna 1
- Autonomous flying 1
- Beetles 1
- Below-ground traits 1
- beta diversity 1
- biodiversity 1
- Biodiversity experiments 1
- Biodiversity theory 1
- BioGEEM 1
- biological control study 1
- Bush 1
- Cacao 1
- Cameroon 1
- Canopy gaps 1
- Carbon 1
- Case-control 1
- Ceiling carrying capacity 1
- chile 1
- clay crust 1
- Climate change 1
- Coarse-filter approach 1
- Codominance 1
- competition 1
- Competitive asymmetry 1
- Competitor removal experiment 1
- Computer simulation model 1
- Coniferous/deciduous stands 1
- conservation biological control 1
- Conservation management 1
- convex hull 1
- coral reef fish 1
- Crown area 1
- Crown vector 1
- Cyclical transition 1
- cyclone 1
- Decision-making 1
- demography 1
- Density dependence 1
- Density-based indices 1
- Determinants of plant community diversity and stru 1
- different spatial scales 1
- dispersal 1
- Dispersal strategies 1
- Distance-based indices 1
- Distance-based Moran's eigenvector maps 1
- Diversity 1
- diversity partitioning 1
- Drone 1
- drought 1
- Dynamic model 1
- Eco-hydrology 1
- ecological-economic model; land-use change; smallholder; oil palm; rubber; Indonesia; simulation model; NetLogo 1
- Economies of Scale 1
- ecosystem engineer 1
- Ecosystem function 1
- ecosystem functions 1
- Ecosystem functions and services 1
- ecosystem functions; ecosystem services; biodiversity; oil palm; land-use change; Elaeis guineensis; review 1
- Ecosystem Services 1
- Ecosystem services 1
- ecosystem services 1
- Elaeis guineensis 1
- emergent vegetation patterns 1
- energy deficit 1
- environmental heterogeneity 1
- Environmental impact 1
- Environmental perception 1
- Environmental variability 1
- Ephemeral river 1
- Equilibrium theory 1
- Erosion 1
- Evapotranspiration 1
- Event-driven system 1
- Expansion of oil palm plantation 1
- experimental approaches 1
- Fertility islands 1
- Field margins 1
- Field methods 1
- Fire 1
- Fire-vegetation feedbacks 1
- Flame zone 1
- for modelling 1
- foraging 1
- Forecasting 1
- Forest 1
- Forest community 1
- Forest understorey 1
- FRicindex 1
- functional trait 1
- Functional traits 1
- functional unit 1
- g-Function 1
- Gap shape complexity index 1
- Gap-phase regeneration mode 1
- Gecko 1
- general dynamic model 1
- Global change 1
- Grass 1
- Grasses 1
- Grazing 1
- Grewia flava 1
- Grid-based landscape sampling 1
- Habitat association 1
- habitat isolation 1
- Herbivores 1
- Herbivory 1
- herding strategy 1
- heterogeneity 1
- heterogeneous landscape 1
- Honeycomb rippling model 1
- hydrology 1
- in agricultural landscapes 1
- Incidence function 1
- Independence null model 1
- Indicator species 1
- Indirect parameter estimation 1
- Individual species-area relationship 1
- Individual-based 1
- Individual-based model 1
- individual-based modelling 1
- Inhomogeneous pair-correlation function 1
- insect pest species 1
- Inter-tree competition 1
- Interdisciplinarity 1
- Intra- and interspecific associations 1
- isolation effects 1
- K-function 1
- Kalahari thornveld 1
- Laboratory to field 1
- land use change 1
- Land-use change 1
- land-use change 1
- landscape analysis 1
- landscape generator 1
- landscape generator; agent-based model; ABM; NetLogo; process-based; Indonesia 1
- landscape indices 1
- landscape management 1
- landscape mosaic model 1
- Landscape related models 1
- Landscape scale 1
- landscape-scale patterns 1
- Large-scale heterogeneity 1
- Latin Hypercube sensitivity analysis 1
- Legumes 1
- Light heterogeneity 1
- Limiting factors 1
- logistic regression 1
- long-term data 1
- Long-term predictions 1
- Long-term study 1
- los angeles 1
- Machinery efficiency 1
- mechanistic simulation model 1
- Mesic 1
- mid cities 1
- Mitigation option 1
- modeling 1
- Monitoring programmes 1
- Monoculture 1
- Mosaic cycles 1
- multidimensional 1
- Multiplicative diversity partitioning 1
- Multivariate regression tree 1
- Namibia 1
- NDVI 1
- Nearest neighbour analysis 1
- nearest-neighbor distance 1
- Nearest-neighbour distance 1
- Negev Desert 1
- Negev desert 1
- Neighborhood diversity 1
- niche 1
- Niche theory 1
- Nitrogen 1
- Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 1
- northern Vietnam 1
- O-ring function 1
- Observational 1
- oceanic islands 1
- Oedura reticulata 1
- Oil Palm 1
- oil palm 1
- open-source software 1
- optimal herd size 1
- pair correlation function 1
- Pair-correlation function 1
- Pantoea 1
- parasitation rate 1
- parasitoid persistence 1
- parasitoids 1
- Parsimony 1
- Patch dynamics 1
- Patch scale 1
- Patch-dynamics 1
- Pattern and process 1
- Pattern recognition 1
- Pattern-oriented modeling 1
- Permutation index 1
- Pest management 1
- Pesticide 1
- pH 1
- Phaseolus vulgaris 1
- phyllosphere 1
- plant community 1
- plant endemism 1
- Plant interactions 1
- Plant-plant interactions 1
- point pattern analysis 1
- Pollination 1
- Polygon-based pair correlation function 1
- Population growth rate 1
- Precipitation 1
- Predation 1
- Predatory crickets 1
- process-based 1
- process-based models 1
- process-based niche model 1
- Protected species 1
- Pseudomonas 1
- PVA 1
- Q-Metric 1
- Quantile regression 1
- R package 1
- R software 1
- Rare recruitment 1
- Rare-earth labeling 1
- reaction-diffusion mechanism 1
- Relative nonlinearity 1
- Remote sensing 1
- remote sensing 1
- Remotely piloted vehicles 1
- reproducible workflow 1
- resilience 1
- Resource partitioning 1
- Resprouting 1
- richness 1
- Road 1
- robustness 1
- Root distributions 1
- Roots 1
- RPV 1
- Rubber 1
- Runoff 1
- Rural water supply 1
- SAM 1
- sampling design 1
- savanna 1
- Savanna shrubs 1
- Scale 1
- Scale effects in biodiversity and biological contr 1
- scale-dependent feedback 1
- Seed predation 1
- Seed removal 1
- Self-thinning 1
- Senegalia 1
- Sensitivity analysis 1
- Shrub invasion 1
- Shrubs 1
- simulation model 1
- Sinharaja tropical forest 1
- Size 1
- size dependent mortality 1
- size distribution 1
- Size frequency distributions 1
- Size inequality 1
- Size-frequency distributions 1
- Slope 1
- Software 1
- Soil moisture 1
- Spatial association 1
- spatial ecology 1
- Spatial heterogeneity 1
- Spatial pattern 1
- Spatial patterns 1
- spatial patterns 1
- Spatial point pattern analysis 1
- spatial point pattern analysis 1
- spatial population dynamics 1
- Spatially explicit 1
- spatially explicit 1
- spatially explicit modeling 1
- Spatially explicit models 1
- Spatially explicit root growth 1
- Spatially-explicit 1
- Spatially-explicit simulation model 1
- spatio-temporal population dynamics 1
- Spatio-temporal rainfall variation 1
- Spatiotemporal scales 1
- speciation 1
- speciation rate 1
- Species association 1
- Species composition and richness 1
- Species herd protection 1
- species richness 1
- Species turnover 1
- Sri Lanka 1
- Stochastic dilution 1
- Stochastic population models 1
- Storage effect 1
- Streamflow 1
- Succession 1
- Surface runoff management 1
- SWAT model 1
- Tamarix aphylla 1
- Tamarix nilotica 1
- Tarchonanthus 1
- Tarchonanthus camphoratus 1
- Temporal autocorrelation 1
- Topography 1
- Toroidal shift 1
- Tracking insects 1
- Transpiration 1
- tree 1
- Tree clustering 1
- Tree mortality 1
- Tree size 1
- Tree-tree competition 1
- Triodia basedowii 1
- Tropical evergreen forest 1
- tropical evergreen forest 1
- tropical forest 1
- Turing dynamics 1
- UAS 1
- UAV 1
- unmanned aerial vehicle 1
- Unmanned aerial vehicles 1
- Unmanned aircraft systems 1
- upscaling problems 1
- urban growth patterns 1
- Validation 1
- Variation partitioning 1
- Vegetation cycles 1
- viability 1
- Vietnam 1
- Wadi morphology 1
- Water 1
- water point 1
- wavelength 1
- weathering 1
- Western Australian wheatbelt 1
- Western hemlock 1
- Wiegand-Moloney O-ring statistics 1
- Wild pistachio 1
- Woodland 1
- Woody plant encroachment 1
- Woody species 1
- Zone of influence model 1
- SFB 990: Ökologische und sozioökonomische Funktionen tropischer Tieflandregenwald-Transformationssysteme (Sumatra, Indonesien) 13
- SFB 990 | B | B10: Landschaftsbezogene Bewertung der ökologischen und sozioökonomischen Funktionen von Regenwald- Transformationssystemen in Sumatra (Indonesien) 12
- SFB 990 | A | A03: Untersuchung von Land-Atmosphäre Austauschprozesse in Landnutzungsänderungs-Systemen 3
- SFB 990 | B | B09: Oberirdische Biodiversitätsmuster und Prozesse in Regenwaldtransformations-Landschaften 3
- SFB 990 | C | C02: Soziale Transformationsprozesse und nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung im ländlichen Jambi 3
- SFB 990 | B | B05: Land use patterns in Jambi - quantification of structure, heterogeneity and changes of vegetation and land use as a basis for the explanation of ecological and socioeconomic functions 2
- SFB 990 | C | C03: Culture-Specific Human Interaction with Tropical Lowland Rainforests in Transformation in Jambi, Sumatra 2
- SFB 990 | C | C07: Einflussfaktoren von Landnutzungswandel und sozioökonomische Auswirkungen für ländliche Haushalte 2
- SFB 990 | A | A02: Wassernutzungseigenschaften von Bäumen und Palmen in Regenwald-Transformationssystemen Zusammenfassung 1
- SFB 990 | A | A04: Carbon stock, turnover and functions in heavily weathered soils under lowland rainforest transformation systems 1
- SFB 990 | A | A05: Optimierung des Nährstoffmanagements in Ölpalmplantagen und Hochrechnung plot-basierter Treibhausgasflüsse auf die Landschaftsebene transformierter Regenwälder 1
- SFB 990 | B | B04: Pflanzenproduktivität und Ressourcenaufteilung im Wurzelraum entlang von Gradienten tropischer Landnutzungsintensität und Baumartenvielfalt 1
- SFB 990 | B | B06: Taxonomische, funktionelle, phylogenetische und biogeographische Diversität vaskulärer Pflanzen in Regenwald-Transformationssystemen auf Sumatra (Indonesien) 1
- SFB 990 | B | B08: Struktur und Funktion des Zersetzersystems in Transformationssystemen von Tiefland-Regenwäldern 1
- SFB 990 | C | C04: Mitigating trade-offs between economic and ecological functions and services through certification 1
- SFB 990 | C | C08: Design effektiver Politikinstrumente zur Förderung nachhaltiger Landnutzung 1
- SFB 990 | Z | Z02: Central Scientific Support Unit 1
- Abteilung Ökosystemmodellierung 96
- Büsgen-Institut 92
- Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie 92
- Abteilung Agrarökologie 8
- Burckhardt-Institut 6
- Abteilung Biodiversität, Makroökologie und Biogeographie 5
- Zentrum für Biodiversität und Nachhaltige Landnutzung 5
- Abteilung Bioklimatologie 4
- Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften 4
- Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften 4
- Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Institut für Zoologie und Anthropologie 3
- Abteilung Ökopedologie der Tropen und Subtropen 2
- Abteilung Waldbau und Waldökologie der Tropen 1
- Abteilung Waldinventur und Fernerkundung 1
- Abteilung Ökoinformatik, Biometrie und Waldwachstum 1
- Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung 1
- Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie 1
- Professuren für Statistik und Ökonometrie 1
- Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät 1
- Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät 1
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