Dr. Jeong-Seop Rhee

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  • 2020 Journal Article
    ​ ​The murine ortholog of Kaufman oculocerebrofacial syndrome protein Ube3b regulates synapse number by ubiquitinating Ppp3cc​
    Ambrozkiewicz, M. C.; Borisova, E.; Schwark, M.; Ripamonti, S.; Schaub, T.; Smorodchenko, A. & Weber, A. I. et al.​ (2020) 
    Molecular Psychiatry,.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-020-0714-8 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2020 Journal Article
    ​ ​The Synaptic Vesicle Priming Protein CAPS-1 Shapes the Adaptation of Sensory Evoked Responses in Mouse Visual Cortex​
    Nestvogel, D. B.; Merino, R. M.; Leon-Pinzon, C.; Schottdorf, M. ; Lee, C.; Imig, C. & Brose, N.  et al.​ (2020) 
    Cell Reports30(10) pp. 3261​-3269.e4​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.02.045 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2020 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Modulation of cognition and neuronal plasticity in gain- and loss-of-function mouse models of the schizophrenia risk gene Tcf4​
    Badowska, D. M.; Brzózka, M. M.; Kannaiyan, N.; Thomas, C. ; Dibaj, P. ; Chowdhury, A.   & Steffens, H.  et al.​ (2020) 
    Translational Psychiatry10(1).​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41398-020-01026-7 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2020 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Ultrastructural Correlates of Presynaptic Functional Heterogeneity in Hippocampal Synapses​
    Maus, L.; Lee, C.; Altas, B.; Sertel, S. M.; Weyand, K.; Rizzoli, S. O.   & Rhee, J.  et al.​ (2020) 
    Cell Reports30(11) pp. 3632​-3643.e8​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.02.083 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC 
  • 2020 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​SUMOylation controls the neurodevelopmental function of the transcription factor Zbtb20​
    Ripamonti, S.; Shomroni, O. ; Rhee, J. S. ; Chowdhury, K.; Jahn, O. ; Hellmann, K. P. & Bonn, S.  et al.​ (2020) 
    Journal of Neurochemistry154(6) pp. 647​-661​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jnc.15008 
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  • 2019 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​The Calmodulin Binding Region of the Synaptic Vesicle Protein Mover Is Required for Homomeric Interaction and Presynaptic Targeting​
    Akula, A. K.; Zhang, X.; Viotti, J. S.; Nestvogel, D.; Rhee, J.-S. ; Ebrecht, R. & Reim, K. et al.​ (2019) 
    Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience12.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnmol.2019.00249 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2017 Journal Article
    ​ ​α-synuclein interacts with PrPC to induce cognitive impairment through mGluR5 and NMDAR2B​
    Ferreira, D. G ; Temido-Ferreira, M.; Vicente Miranda, H.; Batalha, V. L; Coelho, J. E; Szegö, É. M   & Marques-Morgado, I. et al.​ (2017) 
    Nature Neuroscience20(11) pp. 1569​-1579​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.4648 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2017 Journal Article
    ​ ​Synaptic UNC13A protein variant causes increased neurotransmission and dyskinetic movement disorder​
    Lipstein, N.; Verhoeven-Duif, N. M.; Michelassi, F. E.; Calloway, N.; van Hasselt, P. M.; Pienkowska, K. & van Haaften, G. et al.​ (2017) 
    The Journal of Clinical Investigation127(3) pp. 1005​-1018​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI90259 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2017 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Transient oxytocin signaling primes the development and function of excitatory hippocampal neurons​
    Ripamonti, S.; Ambrozkiewicz, M. C.; Guzzi, F.; Gravati, M.; Biella, G.; Bormuth, I. & Hammer, M. et al.​ (2017) 
    eLife6.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.22466 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2017 Journal Article
    ​ ​Formation and Maintenance of Functional Spines in the Absence of Presynaptic Glutamate Release​
    Sigler, A.; Oh, W. C.; Imig, C.; Altas, B.; Kawabe, H.; Cooper, B. H.   & Kwon, H.-B. et al.​ (2017) 
    Neuron94(2) pp. 304​-311.e4​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2017.03.029 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2017 Journal Article
    ​ ​Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Vesicle Priming by Munc13 and Munc18​
    Lai, Y.; Choi, U. B.; Leitz, J.; Rhee, H. J.; Lee, C.; Altas, B. & Zhao, M. et al.​ (2017) 
    Neuron95(3) pp. 591​-607.e10​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2017.07.004 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2017 Journal Article
    ​ ​ELKS1 localizes the synaptic vesicle priming protein bMunc13-2 to a specific subset of active zones​
    Kawabe, H.; Mitkovski, M.; Kaeser, P. S.; Hirrlinger, J. ; Opazo, F. ; Nestvogel, D. & Kalla, S. et al.​ (2017) 
    The Journal of Cell Biology216(4) pp. 1143​-1161​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201606086 
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  • 2017 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Endosomal Phosphatidylinositol 3-Phosphate Promotes Gephyrin Clustering and GABAergic Neurotransmission at Inhibitory Postsynapses​
    Papadopoulos, T. ; Rhee, H. J.; Subramanian, D.; Paraskevopoulou, F.; Mueller, R.; Schultz, C. & Brose, N.  et al.​ (2017) 
    Journal of Biological Chemistry292(4) pp. 1160​-1177​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M116.771592 
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  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Complexin 3 Increases the Fidelity of Signaling in a Retinal Circuit by Regulating Exocytosis at Ribbon Synapses​
    Mortensen, L. S.; Park, S. J.; Ke, J.-b.; Cooper, B. H. ; Zhang, L.; Imig, C. & Löwel, S.  et al.​ (2016) 
    Cell Reports15(10) pp. 2239​-2250​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.05.012 
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  • 2016 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Photoswitchable diacylglycerols enable optical control of protein kinase C​
    Frank, J. A.; Yushchenko, D. A.; Hodson, D. J.; Lipstein, N.; Nagpal, J.; Rutter, G. A. & Rhee, J.-S.  et al.​ (2016) 
    Nature Chemical Biology12 pp. 755​-762​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nchembio.2141 
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  • 2015 Journal Article
    ​ ​Perturbed Hippocampal Synaptic Inhibition and γ-Oscillations in a Neuroligin-4 Knockout Mouse Model of Autism​
    Hammer, M.; Krueger-Burg, D. ; Tuffy, L. P. ; Cooper, B. H. ; Taschenberger, H.; Goswami, S. P. & Ehrenreich, H.  et al.​ (2015) 
    Cell Reports13(3) pp. 516​-523​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2015.09.011 
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  • 2015 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Unconventional molecular regulation of synaptic vesicle replenishment in cochlear inner hair cells​
    Vogl, C. ; Cooper, B. H. ; Neef, J. ; Wojcik, S. M. ; Reim, K.; Reisinger, E.   & Brose, N.  et al.​ (2015) 
    Journal of Cell Science128(4) pp. 638​-644​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1242/jcs.162099 
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  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Secretory Vesicle Priming by CAPS Is Independent of Its SNARE-Binding MUN Domain​
    Truong, C. Q. N.; Nestvogel, D.; Ratai, O.; Schirra, C.; Stevens, D. R.; Brose, N.   & Rhee, J.  et al.​ (2014) 
    Cell Reports9(3) pp. 902​-909​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2014.09.050 
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  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Ubiquitin E3 ligase Nedd4-1 acts as a downstream target of PI3K/PTEN-mTORC1 signaling to promote neurite growth​
    Hsia, H.-E.; Kumar, R.; Luca, R.; Takeda, M.; Courchet, J.; Nakashima, J. & Wu, S. et al.​ (2014) 
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences111(36) pp. 13205​-13210​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1400737111 
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  • 2014 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​The Morphological and Molecular Nature of Synaptic Vesicle Priming at Presynaptic Active Zones​
    Imig, C.; Min, S.-W.; Krinner, S. ; Arancillo, M.; Rosenmund, C.; Südhof, T. C. & Rhee, J.  et al.​ (2014) 
    Neuron84(2) pp. 416​-431​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2014.10.009 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC  WoS 
  • 2013 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Collybistin activation by GTP-TC10 enhances postsynaptic gephyrin clustering and hippocampal GABAergic neurotransmission​
    Mayer, S.; Kumar, R.; Jaiswal, M.; Soykan, T. ; Ahmadian, M. R.; Brose, N.   & Betz, H. et al.​ (2013) 
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences110(51) pp. 20795​-20800​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1309078110 
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  • 2013 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Neurobeachin regulates neurotransmitter receptor trafficking to synapses​
    Nair, R.; Lauks, J.; Jung, S. ; Cooke, N. E.; de Wit, H.; Brose, N.   & Kilimann, M. W. et al.​ (2013) 
    The Journal of Cell Biology200(1) pp. 61​-80​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201207113 
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  • 2013 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Dynamic Control of Synaptic Vesicle Replenishment and Short-Term Plasticity by Ca²⁺-Calmodulin-Munc13-1 Signaling​
    Lipstein, N.; Sakaba, T.; Cooper, B. H. ; Lin, K.-H.; Strenzke, N. ; Ashery, U. & Rhee, J.-S.  et al.​ (2013) 
    Neuron79(1) pp. 82​-96​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2013.05.011 
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  • 2012 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Nonconserved Ca²⁺/Calmodulin Binding Sites in Munc13s Differentially Control Synaptic Short-Term Plasticity​
    Lipstein, N.; Schaks, S.; Dimova, K.; Kalkhof, S.; Ihling, C.; Kölbel, K. & Ashery, U. et al.​ (2012) 
    Molecular and Cellular Biology32(22) pp. 4628​-4641​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1128/MCB.00933-12 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC  WoS 
  • 2012 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Analysis of neurotransmitter release mechanisms by photolysis of caged Ca²⁺ in an autaptic neuron culture system​
    Burgalossi, A.; Jung, S. ; Man, K. Man, Kwun-nok Mimi ; Nair, R.; Jockusch, W. J; Wojcik, S. M   & Brose, N.  et al.​ (2012) 
    Nature Protocols7(7) pp. 1351​-1365​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nprot.2012.074 
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  • 2011 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Probing the Functional Equivalence of Otoferlin and Synaptotagmin 1 in Exocytosis​
    Reisinger, E. ; Bresee, C.; Neef, J. ; Nair, R.; Reuter, K.; Bulankina, A. & Nouvian, R.  et al.​ (2011) 
    The Journal of Neuroscience31(13) pp. 4886​-4895​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5122-10.2011 
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  • 2011 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​In Vivo Imaging of Intersynaptic Vesicle Exchange Using VGLUT1(Venus) Knock-In Mice​
    Herzog, E.; Nadrigny, F.; Silm, K.; Biesemann, C.; Helling, I.; Bersot, T. & Steffens, H.  et al.​ (2011) 
    The Journal of Neuroscience31(43) pp. 15544​-15559​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2073-11.2011 
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  • 2010 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​SNARE Protein Recycling by alpha SNAP and beta SNAP Supports Synaptic Vesicle Priming​
    Burgalossi, A.; Jung, S. ; Meyer, G.; Jockusch, W. J.; Jahn, O. ; Taschenberger, H. & O’Connor, V. M. et al.​ (2010) 
    Neuron68(3) pp. 473​-487​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2010.09.019 
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  • 2010 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Regulation of Rap2A by the Ubiquitin Ligase Nedd4-1 Controls Neurite Development​
    Kawabe, H.; Neeb, A.; Dimova, K.; Young, S. M. J.; Takeda, M.; Katsurabayashi, S. & Mitkovski, M. et al.​ (2010) 
    Neuron65(3) pp. 358​-372​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2010.01.007 
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  • 2010 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Two distinct secretory vesicle-priming steps in adrenal chromaffin cells​
    Liu, Y.; Schirra, C.; Edelmann, L.; Matti, U.; Rhee, J.-S. ; Hof, D. & Bruns, D. et al.​ (2010) 
    The Journal of Cell Biology190(6) pp. 1067​-1077​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201001164 
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  • 2010 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Munc13 C2B domain is an activity-dependent Ca²⁺ regulator of synaptic exocytosis​
    Shin, O.-H.; Lu, J.; Rhee, J.-S. ; Tomchick, D. R.; Pang, Z. P.; Wojcik, S. M.   & Camacho-Perez, M. et al.​ (2010) 
    Nature Structural & Molecular Biology17(3) pp. 280​-U42​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nsmb.1758 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC  WoS 
  • 2008 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Erythropoietin enhances hippocampal long-term potentiation and memory​
    Adamcio, B. ; Sargin, D. ; Stradomska, A. ; Medrihan, L. ; Gertler, C.; Theis, F. & Zhang, M.  et al.​ (2008) 
    BMC Biology6 art. 37​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1741-7007-6-37 
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  • 2007 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​CAPS-1 and CAPS-2 are essential synaptic vesicle priming proteins​
    Jockusch, W. J.; Speidel, D.; Sigler, A.; Sørensen, J. B.; Varoqueaux, F.; Rhee, J.-S.   & Brose, N. ​ (2007) 
    Cell131(4) pp. 796​-808​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2007.11.002 
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  • 2006 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​A shared vesicular carrier allows synaptic corelease of GABA and glycine​
    Wojcik, S. M. ; Katsurabayashi, S.; Guillemin, I.; Friauf, E.; Rosenmund, C.; Brose, N.   & Rhee, J.-S. ​ (2006) 
    Neuron50(4) pp. 575​-587​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2006.04.016 
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  • 2004 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Calmodulin and Munc13 form a Ca²⁺ sensor/effector complex that controls short-term synaptic plasticity​
    Junge, H. J.; Rhee, J.-S. ; Jahn, O. ; Varoqueaux, F.; Spiess, J. ; Waxham, M. N. & Rosenmund, C. et al.​ (2004) 
    Cell118(3) pp. 389​-401​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2004.06.029 
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  • 2004 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​An essential role for vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) in postnatal development and control of quantal size​
    Wojcik, S. M. ; Rhee, J.-S. ; Herzog, E.; Sigler, A.; Jahn, R. ; Takamori, S. & Brose, N.  et al.​ (2004) 
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences101(18) pp. 7158​-7163​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0401764101 
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  • 2002 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Total arrest of spontaneous and evoked synaptic transmission but normal synaptogenesis in the absence of Munc13-mediated vesicle priming​
    Varoqueaux, F.; Sigler, A.; Rhee, J.-S. ; Brose, N. ; Enk, C.; Reim, K. & Rosenmund, C.​ (2002) 
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences99(13) pp. 9037​-9042​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.122623799 
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  • 2002 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Differential control of vesicle priming and short-term plasticity by Munc13 isoforms​
    Rosenmund, C.; Sigler, A.; Augustin, I.; Reim, K.; Brose, N.   & Rhee, J.-S. ​ (2002) 
    Neuron33(3) pp. 411​-424​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0896-6273(02)00568-8 
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  • 2002 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​β Phorbol Ester- and Diacylglycerol-Induced Augmentation of Transmitter Release Is Mediated by Munc13s and Not by PKCs​
    Rhee, J.-S. ; Betz, A. ; Pyott, S.; Reim, K.; Varoqueaux, F.; Augustin, I. & Hesse, D. et al.​ (2002) 
    Cell108(1) pp. 121​-133​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0092-8674(01)00635-3 
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  • 2001 Journal Article | Research Paper
    ​ ​Functional interaction of the active zone proteins Munc13-1 and RIM1 in synaptic vesicle priming​
    Betz, A. ; Thakur, P.; Junge, H. J.; Ashery, U.; Rhee, J.-S. ; Scheuss, V. & Rosenmund, C. et al.​ (2001) 
    Neuron30(1) pp. 183​-196​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0896-6273(01)00272-0 
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