Dr. Moritz Schubotz

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  • 2023 Journal Article
    ​ ​Incentive Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer Networks — A Systematic Literature Review​
    Ihle, C.; Trautwein, D.; Schubotz, M. ; Meuschke, N.   & Gipp, B. ​ (2023) 
    ACM Computing Surveys55(14s) pp. 1​-69​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3578581 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2023 Journal Article | 
    ​ ​Discovery and recognition of formula concepts using machine learning​
    Scharpf, P.; Schubotz, M. ; Cohl, H. S.; Breitinger, C.   & Gipp, B. ​ (2023) 
    Scientometrics128(9) pp. 4971​-5025​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04667-9 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2022 Journal Article | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Caching and Reproducibility: Making Data Science Experiments Faster and FAIRer​
    Schubotz, M. ; Satpute, A.; Greiner-Petter, A. ; Aizawa, A. & Gipp, B. ​ (2022) 
    Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics7.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/frma.2022.861944 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2022 Preprint
    ​ ​Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems​
    Greiner-Petter, A. ; Cohl, H. S.; Youssef, A.; Schubotz, M. ; Trost, A.; Dey, R.& Aizawa, A. et al.​ (2022)
    Details  arXiv 
  • 2022 Journal Article
    ​ ​Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable​
    Greiner-Petter, A.; Schubotz, M. ; Breitinger, C. ; Scharpf, P.; Aizawa, A. & Gipp, B. ​ (2022) 
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, pp. 1​-12​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3195261 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2022 Conference Paper
    ​ ​Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems​
    Greiner-Petter, A. ; Cohl, H. S.; Youssef, A.; Schubotz, M. ; Trost, A.; Dey, R. & Aizawa, A. et al.​ (2022)
    In:Fisman, Dana; Rosu, Grigore​ (Eds.), ​Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems pp. 87​-105. (Vol. 1). ​28th International Conference, TACAS 2022, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022​, Munich.
    Cham​: Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-99524-9_5 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2021 Preprint
    ​ ​Academic Storage Cluster​
    Tottleben, A. von; Ihle, C.; Schubotz, M.  & Gipp, B. ​ (2021)
    Details  arXiv 
  • 2021 Preprint
    ​ ​Detecting Cross-Language Plagiarism using Open Knowledge Graphs​
    Stegmüller, J.; Bauer-Marquart, F.; Meuschke, N. ; Ruas, T. ; Schubotz, M.  & Gipp, B. ​ (2021)
    Details  arXiv 
  • 2021 Preprint
    ​ ​MathTools: An Open API for Convenient MathML Handling​
    Greiner-Petter, A. ; Schubotz, M. ; Cohl, H. S.& Gipp, B. ​ (2021)
    Details  arXiv 
  • 2021 Preprint
    ​ ​Towards Explaining STEM Document Classification using Mathematical Entity Linking​
    Scharpf, P.; Schubotz, M.  & Gipp, B. ​ (2021)
    Details  arXiv 
  • 2021 Conference Paper
    ​ ​Fast Linking of Mathematical Wikidata Entities in Wikipedia Articles Using Annotation Recommendation​
    Scharpf, P.; Schubotz, M.   & Gipp, B. ​ (2021)
    ​Companion Proceedings pp. 602​-609. ​The Web Conference 2021​, Virtual Event / Ljubljana, Slovenia.
    ACM Digital Library. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3442442.3452348 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2021 Preprint
    ​ ​Fast Linking of Mathematical Wikidata Entities in Wikipedia Articles Using Annotation Recommendation​
    Scharpf, P.; Schubotz, M.  & Gipp, B. ​ (2021)
    Details  arXiv 
  • 2021 Conference Paper
    ​ ​Introducing Peer Copy - A Fully Decentralized Peer-to-Peer File Transfer Tool​
    Trautwein, D.; Schubotz, M.   & Gipp, B. ​ (2021)
    ​Proceedings pp. 1​-2. ​2021 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking)​, Espoo and Helsinki, Finland. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23919/IFIPNetworking52078.2021.9472842 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2021 Conference Paper
    ​ ​Leveraging node heterogeneity to improve content discovery and content retrieval in peer-to-peer networks​
    Trautwein, D.; Schubotz, M.   & Gipp, B. ​ (2021)
    ​Proceedings of the CoNEXT Student Workshop pp. 17​-18. ​CoNEXT '21: The 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies​, Virtual.
    ACM Digital Library. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3488658.3493781 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2021 Conference Paper
    ​ ​procd: A Privacy-preserving Robust Implementation to Discover Contacts in Social Networks​
    Deifuß, F.; Ihle, C.; Schubotz, M.   & Gipp, B. ​ (2021)
    In:Hülsbusch, Werner​ (Ed.), ​Information between Data and Knowledge pp. 363​-368. ​16th ISI 2021​, Regensburg.
    Glückstadt​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.5283/epub.44954 
    Details  DOI 

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