Experimental Biodiversity Enrichment in Oil-Palm-Dominated Landscapes in Indonesia
2016 | journal article; research paper. A publication with affiliation to the University of Göttingen.
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Experimental Biodiversity Enrichment in Oil-Palm-Dominated Landscapes in Indonesia
Teuscher, M.; Gérard, A.; Brose, U.; Buchori, D. ; Clough, Y. ; Ehbrecht, M. & Hölscher, D. et al. (2016)
Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 art. 1538. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.01538
Documents & Media
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- Authors
- Teuscher, Miriam; Gérard, Anne; Brose, Ulrich; Buchori, Damayanti ; Clough, Yann ; Ehbrecht, Martin; Hölscher, Dirk ; Irawan, Bambang; Sundawati, Leti; Wollni, Meike ; Kreft, Holger
- Abstract
- Tropical biodiversity is threatened by the expansion of oil-palm plantations. Reduced-impact farming systems such as agroforests, have been proposed to increase biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In regions where oil-palm plantations already dominate the landscape, this increase can only be achieved through systematic ecological restoration. However, our knowledge about the underlying ecological and socio-economic processes, constraints, and trade-offs of ecological restoration in oil-palm landscapes is very limited. To bridge this gap, we established a long-term biodiversity enrichment experiment. We established experimental tree islands in a conventional oil-palm plantation and systematically varied plot size, tree diversity, and tree species composition. Here, we describe the rationale and the design of the experiment, the ecosystem variables (soil, topography, canopy openness) and biotic characteristics (associated vegetation, invertebrates, birds) of the experimental site prior to the establishment of the experiment, and initial experimental effects on the fauna. Already one year after establishment of the experiment, tree plantings had an overall positive effect on the bird and invertebrate communities at the plantation scale. The diversity and abundance of invertebrates was positively affected by the size of the tree islands. Based on these results, we expect a further increase of biodiversity and associated ecological functions in the future. The long-term interdisciplinary monitoring of ecosystem variables, flora, fauna, and socio-economic aspects will allow us to evaluate the suitability of tree islands as a restoration measure. Thereof, guidelines for ecologically improved and socio-economically viable restoration and management concepts could be developed.
- Issue Date
- 2016
- Journal
- Frontiers in Plant Science
- Project
- SFB 990: Ökologische und sozioökonomische Funktionen tropischer Tieflandregenwald-Transformationssysteme (Sumatra, Indonesien)
SFB 990 | B | B09: Oberirdische Biodiversitätsmuster und Prozesse in Regenwaldtransformations-Landschaften
SFB 990 | B | B11: Biodiversitäts-Anreicherung in Ölpalmen-Plantagen: Pflanzliche Sukzession und Integration - Organization
- Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie ; Burckhardt-Institut ; Abteilung Biodiversität, Makroökologie und Biogeographie ; Abteilung Waldbau und Waldökologie der Tropen
- 1664-462X
- 1664-462X
- Language
- English
- Subject(s)
- sfb990_journalarticles
- Sponsor
- Open-Access-Publikationsfonds 2016