As a founding member of the German ORCID consortium, the SUB Göttingen promotes the use of the ORCID iD and offers you the option to link your ORCID iD to your GRO.publications account.
What is ORCID?
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit organization, which provides unique identifiers (ORCID iDs) for authors. These IDs are utilized for author identification by many ORCID members - including research organizations, publishers, funders and professional associations.
The ORCID iD is a persistent identifier for individuals. It contains 16 digits grouped in blocks of four. As part of a web address it refers to a person's ORCID record, in which further data can be stored - permanently and affiliation independently - such as:
- name variants in order to make name changes due to marriage or different spellings of a name transparent
- addresses of websites and blogs
- links to other identification management services and author profiles (e.g. Google Scholar Profil, ISNI, ResearcherID).
ORCID in Germany
Since 2016, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has been fostering the dissemination of the ORCID iD in Germany through its three-year project "ORCID DE - Förderung der Open Researcher and Contributor ID in Deutschland" (project proposal under DOI: 10.2312/lis.16.01).
The project aims to support the implementation of the ORCID iD at universities and non-university research institutions in Germany - organizationally, legally and technically. In particular, the ORCID iD is considered relevant for open access repositories and open access publishing services. A further goal of the project is the interlocking with the Integrated Authority File (GND) and thus the integration of the ORCID iD into library systems for author identification. The ORCID project partners commissioned a legal report on the protection of data privacy in ORCID, which is now online available.
ORCID DE project partners are the Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, the German National Library and the University Library Bielefeld. The project was initiated by the German Initiative for Network Information (DINI).
What are your benefits of an ORCID iD?
Already now, you can benefit from the following advantages:
- Submitting Publications
Many publishers and funders require you to provide your ORCID iD when submitting papers or applying for funding. The aim is to ensure that you are unambiguously distinguished from other authors and that your publications are correctly attributed to you. - ORCID Record
Regardless of your institutional affiliation or any job changes, you have the possibility to present your academic profile on an independent site, to register different variants of your name and to link to other author profiles such as Web of Science's ResearcherID or Scopus Author ID. Privacy settings allow you to modify the visibility of your details. - ORCID in Literature and Citation Databases
When you provide an ORCID iD with all your publications and the ID will subsequently be listed in the bibliographic records of literature databases, literature retrieval will be facilitated and your papers will unambiguously be attributed to you. Furthermore, you can ensure that all your publications listed in literature databases contribute to bibliometric indicators such as citation rates or h-index.
ORCID at SUB Göttingen
The SUB Göttingen is a founding member of the German ORCID consortium and recommends all authors to use the ORCID iD.
As a special service, University Göttingen members can create their personal ORCID iD via GRO.publications or link their existing ORCID iD with their GRO.publications account. Simply visit your personal researcher profile in GRO.publications and follow the tab "ORCID". You can chose several options or revoke your permission allowing GRO.publications access to your ORCID iD at any time.
If you have any questions about ORCID or author profiles, please contact us at:
Help about ORCID:
Daniel Beucke +49 551 39-13432
Many thanks to the UB of the TUM, from whom we have taken over general information about ORCID (https://www.ub.tum.de/orcid).