Dr. med. Kathleen Nolte

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  • 2021 Zeitschriftenartikel | 
    ​ ​The diagnostic and prognostic value of galectin‐3 in patients at risk for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: results from the DIAST‐CHF study​
    Trippel, T. D.; Mende, M.; Düngen, H.; Hashemi, D.; Petutschnigg, J.; Nolte, K.   & Herrmann‐Lingen, C.  u.a.​ (2021) 
    ESC Heart Failure8(2) pp. 829​-841​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.13174 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2020 Zeitschriftenartikel
    ​ ​Independent effects of depression history and vitality in predicting major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) in patients with cardiovascular risk factors​
    Herrmann-Lingen, C. ; Nolte, K. ; Binder, L. ; Edelmann, F.   & Wachter, R. ​ (2020) 
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research133 pp. 110056​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110056 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2019 Zeitschriftenartikel
    ​ ​Sex differences in the association between N-terminal pro B-Type natriureticpeptide (NT-proBNP) and anxiety in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction​
    Herrmann-Lingen, C. ; Nolte, K. ; Hasenfuß, G. ; Wachter, R.   & Edelmann, F. ​ (2019) 
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research121 pp. 115​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2019.03.049 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2018 Zeitschriftenartikel
    ​ ​Amount or intensity? Potential targets of exercise interventions in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction​
    Bobenko, A.; Bartels, I.; Münch, M.; Trippel, T.; Lindhorst, R.; Nolte, K.   & Herrmann-Lingen, C.  u.a.​ (2018) 
    ESC Heart Failure5(1) pp. 53​-62​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.12227 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2017 Zeitschriftenartikel
    ​ ​Exercise training in Diastolic Heart Failure (Ex-DHF): rationale and design of a multicentre, prospective, randomized, controlled, parallel group trial​
    Edelmann, F. ; Bobenko, A.; Gelbrich, G.; Hasenfuss, G. ; Herrmann-Lingen, C. ; Duvinage, A. & Schwarz, S. u.a.​ (2017) 
    European Journal of Heart Failure19(8) pp. 1067​-1074​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ejhf.862 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2017 Zeitschriftenartikel
    ​ ​Arterial stiffness and elevated left ventricular filling pressure in patients at risk for the development or a previous diagnosis of HF-A subgroup analysis from the DIAST-CHF study​
    Lüers, C.; Trippel, T. D.; Seeländer, S.; Wachter, R. ; Hasenfuss, G. ; Lindhorst, R. & Bobenko, A. u.a.​ (2017) 
    Journal of the American Society of Hypertension11(5) pp. 303​-313​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jash.2017.03.006 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2017 Zeitschriftenartikel | 
    ​ ​Ghrelin and hormonal markers under exercise training in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: results from the Ex-DHF pilot study​
    Trippel, T. D.; Holzendorf, V.; Halle, M.; Gelbrich, G.; Nolte, K. ; Duvinage, A. & Schwarz, S. u.a.​ (2017) 
    ESC Heart Failure4(1) pp. 56​-65​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.12109 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2015 Konferenzbeitrag (Abstract)
    ​ ​Vitamin D deficiency and the prognosis of patients suffering from diastolic dysfunction or heart failure with preserved ejection fraction​
    Nolte, K. K. ; Wachter, R. R.; Herrmann-Lingen, C.; Platschek, L.; Holzendorf, V.; Gelbrich, G. & Duengen, H.-D. u.a.​ (2015)
    European Journal of Heart Failure17 
    Hoboken​: Wiley-blackwell.
    Details  WoS 
  • 2015 Konferenzbeitrag (Abstract)
    ​ ​Combination of neurohormones and clinical signs and symptoms to detect a left ventricular dysfunction​
    Duvinage, A.; Stahrenberg, R.; Bueren, F. T.; Nolte, K. ; Mende, M.; Pieske, B. M. & Hasenfuß, G.  u.a.​ (2015)
    European Journal of Heart Failure17 
    Hoboken​: Wiley-blackwell.
    Details  WoS 
  • 2015 Konferenzbeitrag (Abstract)
    ​ ​Increased nuclear Nrf2 expression after fumarate treatment for multiple sclerosis and psoriasis​
    Metz, I.; Traffehn, S.; Strassburger-Krogias, K.; Keyvani, K.; Bergmann, M.; Nolte, K.   & Weber, M. u.a.​ (2015)
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal21 pp. 259​-260. ​31st Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS)​, Barcelona, SPAIN.
    London​: Sage Publications Ltd.
    Details  WoS 
  • 2015 Zeitschriftenartikel | Research Paper | 
    ​ ​Galectin-3 in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: results from the Aldo-DHF trial​
    Edelmann, F. ; Holzendorf, V.; Wachter, R. ; Nolte, K. ; Schmidt, A. G.; Kraigher-Krainer, E. & Duvinage, A. u.a.​ (2015) 
    European Journal of Heart Failure17(2) pp. 214​-223​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ejhf.203 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC  WoS 
  • 2015 Zeitschriftenartikel | Research Paper
    ​ ​Higher plasma levels of MR-pro-atrial natriuretic peptide are linked to less anxiety: results from the observational DIAST-CHF study​
    Meyer, T. ; Herrrmann-Lingen, C. ; Chavanon, M.-L. ; Nolte, K. ; Pasedach, C. A.; Binder, L.   & Pieske, B.  u.a.​ (2015) 
    Clinical Research in Cardiology104(7) pp. 574​-581​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-015-0820-9 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC  WoS 
  • 2015 Zeitschriftenartikel | Research Paper
    ​ ​Effects of exercise training on different quality of life dimensions in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: the Ex-DHF-P trial​
    Nolte, K. ; Herrmann-Lingen, C. ; Wachter, R. ; Gelbrich, G.; Duengen, H.-D.; Duvinage, A. & Hoischen, N. u.a.​ (2015) 
    European Journal of Preventive Cardiology22(5) pp. 582​-593​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2047487314526071 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC  WoS 
  • 2015 Zeitschriftenartikel | Research Paper
    ​ ​GDF-15, MRproADM, CTproET1 and CTproAVP in Patients with asymptomatic diastolic Dysfunction​
    Nolte, K. ; Gabriel, F.; Stahrenberg, R.; Weber-Krüger, M. ; Herrmann-Lingen, C. ; Hasenfuß, G.   & Wachter, R.  u.a.​ (2015) 
    DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift140(13) pp. E120​-E128​.​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0041-102543 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC  WoS 











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