Dr. Piroska Lendvai

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  • 2013 Journal Article
    ​ ​Narrative Language as an Expression of Individual and Group Identity​
    László, J.; Csertő, I.; Fülöp, É.; Ferenczhalmy, R.; Hargitai, R.; Lendvai, P.   & Péley, B. et al.​ (2013) 
    SAGE Open3(2).​ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244013492084 
    Details  DOI 
  • 2003 Conference Paper
    ​ ​Learning to identify fragmented words in spoken discourse​
    Lendvai, P. ​ (2003)
    ​Proceedings of the tenth conference on European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics pp. 25​-32. (Vol. 2). ​EACL '03​, Budapest, Hungary. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3115/1067737.1067742 
    Details  DOI 

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